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Here's a fun question asked by @lover6422!

Ms. Rose, if you could only choose one character would it be Cormac or Marc?

As much as I love the wolfies, I'm the Vampire Queen and my heart belongs to the vampires. I would choose Cormac.

What about you all? If you could only choose one character, would it be Cormac or Marc? Choose below on the line.





Sitting sideways on a leather chair in Dante's library, my legs hanging over the side of the arm rest, I hold a book open in my lap. There is so much history held within these books, accounts before 2066 that make me wonder if the vampires never enacted the way they did, would the humans have killed one another just as viciously? History is bound to repeat itself, so there are many what ifs and outcomes that will never be told.

I have learned a great deal of things...the evil behind human on human violence is just atrocious. Killing those who hold different views of the world or their personal faith...it disgust me. This world before the vampire reign that my mother once spoke of fondly, isn't anywhere close to the truth.

She lied to give me hope.

False hope.

This book in particular is one of two journals I have found belonging to different members of the Matz family.

This one belongs to Richard.

"Find anything interesting?" Cormac's voice breaks through the silence surrounding me, prying my eyes away from the pages as I glance toward the slightly ajar door. The lighting is just perfect for reading, enjoying taking in his hall form as he looms at the entrance to the library.

Unfortunately...Richard never wrote anything personal, just facts about his childhood. There is nothing dating past the second he realized that he was a hybrid. It's becoming really hard to dig through the past to find the truth.

I shift my gaze back to the pages with a sigh and reply, "Nothing of value."

"I figured as much," Cormac notes, entering fully into the library before closing the door quietly behind him. His footsteps echo off the flooring, stopping momentarily beside the table behind the arm rest my back is leaning against. His hand trails over the top book of the gathering pile and he chuckles, "A bit of light reading?"

"Eh...there's not really anything else to do," I was a bit upset after the wild morning I had with Cormac a few days ago. Marc appears to be avoiding me and each time I try and get close to him, he shuts me out and says he has something else he needs to do. The distancing is toying with emotions that I never once thought I could possess for another, let alone two men.


Cormac lifts his hand and moves to sit on a couch across from the chair, lowering himself as I turn another page. It's nice in this room, a fireplace in the corner keeps a very homey and warm feel to the space. Also...did I mention it's quiet...

Hold the fucking phone...

...Trinity, Richard's mate.

I find her name scrawled in a few quick sentences, skimming the words as I delve in further. Perhaps there is a fly buzzing around, annoying me while I try to pry further into the accounts of this journal, because I hear words in the distance.

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