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Not two seconds after I set foot outside of the council members' meeting chamber, that same second Arthur's heart stopped forever, two sets or arms encase me, bathing me in a warm glow. Their heat pulls me to them, wanting to melt away at the single touch, the strength I've had to exude becoming something I want desperately to relinquish.

I'm not done yet.

I can't throw down the wall, the barrier I built up to protect myself from the hurt my heart breaks with. Soon...soon I will be able to, but not in this moment, not until this silence is complete among the serenity this world deserves. For too long has chaos taken hold, strapping each individual in for the most horrific ride of our lives...

...the carousel ride is about to stop spinning, coming to a standstill to reveal to us the truth and beauty in this world...what we all can be, what we all can accomplish with common goals.

Cormac and Dante break away from me, Cormac being the first to touch his hands to my shoulders as he holds me at arms-length away. His eyes are teary, his features weary as he gazes deeply into my own before he breathes out softly and with disbelief, "You're alive..."

"You taught me how to play," I reply, my voice still holding a very hard and flat tone to it. My eyes flicker away for a brief moment, hearing footsteps approaching from either direction leading down the hallway to where we stand. When my gaze falls back to rest on him I nod, "I just showed you how to win."

While Dante states, "I've called my coven to this spot along with the subverters, including Edeline...the pack I lead standing by at the edge of the forest," my hand unconsciously reaches for the grip of my loaded gun, unholstering it while drawing it to the outside of my thigh.

I feel the shift in my eyes, a golden hue taking up residence as I easily see through the mirror of the shelter that the werewolves had taken refuge in...the place I was meant to go. I understand now how Dante was able to do this...it's not just a mate thing for a hybrid, but also family ties...

...I draw on my own mother's spiritual energy and as clear as day, my eyes see through into Keir's as he shakes his head, standing near one of the mirrors in a hallway. He may have not been related to me by blood, but he was my mother's mate and a connection appears to have been established.

Come to the castle.

I send my message, knowing that the golden writing is visible for him to see as his reaction shows me this. He moves away, not a single question raising as he gathers the packs. It won't take them long...they didn't go that far away, I can feel their presence lingering close by.

I don't know what to expect.

What I've done...in the eyes of many will be judged soon enough.

Rushing down the hallway are not only members of Taft's coven, but Arthur's as well, some of Aohdan's trying to prevent those from advancing while those of Cormac's and Dante's soon join the group. Some are attacking and killing each other, turning against one another in the blink of an eye at the diminishing light of their leaders, including the head of the council most of all. I can see the fury in their eyes, the ones who stand with us attempting to prevent further bloodshed unless necessary.

Cormac and Dante turn their backs to my sides, their eyes set on those who breakthrough the line of defenses that have been set, the blockade not holding for very long. One individual in particular makes it past without much hassle due to his very stature.

In the blink of an eye, Taft's young son Mercury is before me, advancing while tears run down his cheeks. His red eyes are a mix of the pain he feels along with the enraged bloody red irises glaring up at me with so much hatred that for a split second I can feel that sorrow burning his heart.

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