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I'm well aware of the banging coming from the other side of the gray stained bathroom wood door, the brass handle shaking just slightly from the force that Sidney is using. My left hand touches the counter top, holding the edge while I stare into the mirror. My angry reflection glowers at me with disgust and rage. Bringing my right hand up, my fingertips touch the puncture marks on the side of my neck, the wounds still open. When I bring my hand away, blood stains the pads of my fingers, faint trails dripping down my neck.

The sound of my fist hitting the counter top echoes in the room, and Sidney asks nervously, "Rose?"

Turning on the sink, I stick my hand under the cold running water and growl, "Leave me alone!"

I bring the water to my neck, trying to rid of the old blood that has dried in streaks while the new blood runs over its path.


The door opens suddenly and I turn away from the mirror, Sidney's long brown hair now falling around her shoulders and framing her face. Those light blue orbs of hers dart to me, leaning her back against the door and closing it before I can take two steps toward her. She eyes me, an undertone of fear in her voice when she asks, "What'd he do to you?"

Pulling my hand away from my neck again, Sidney inhales sharply when she sees my answer. My head snaps in the direction of the mirror, ignoring the girl moving closer to me. Each step she takes, my heart races and I try hard to clean the wounds. I have almost all of the blood rinsed away by the time Sidney stands right next to me, observing what I am doing. Her footsteps can no longer be heard, the sound of the water hitting the basin drowning her out.

I groan, the intense pain from where Cormac had bitten me was becoming irritated. Sidney notices, her hand reaching up and grabbing my wrist. Turning from the mirror, I glare at her, but she just shakes her head.

"It'll just make it hurt worse..." her voice trails off, releasing my hand and moving to one of the cabinets. Taking hold of the handle, she opens the drawer and rummages through its contents. I'm left standing in throbbing pain, trying to focus my mind on anything but the waves of agony pulsing from the open wounds, shaking through each nerve in my body.

"Here," Sidney stops making noise, bring away with her a black and red lotion bottle. She presses down on the pump, a purplish liquid depositing on her fingertips. When she reaches up near my neck, I slap her hand away and take a couple of steps back. Blood droplets fly to the tile floor, my eyes glancing down and then back up to meet her confused expression. "What's wrong with you?" She asks me.

"What's wrong with me?" I ask her question aloud and place a hand to my chest and then immediately point at her accusingly and ask, "What's wrong with you?"

Sidney's brows furrow in confusion, looking to the bottle and then back at me like I'm a crazy person. She states, "You've never used a salve have you?"

"A what?" It was my turn, confusion clearly written on my face. Sidney places the bottle down gently on the counter near me, placing her hand under the running water and letting the liquid slid off her fingers. Once she's done, she turns the water off and says, "It's what we use, to seal the puncture marks left behind from those damn greedy leeches."

"Every time?!" How have I not seen this stuff before? Due to the fact I've never lived within walls like these, there's never been a need for me to think of a healing agent like this before.

Sidney nods, "Yes. Unless you please Master beyond his expectations, then he'll heal you with his own blood. Other wise, you just have to fend for yourself...at least Rochelle talked Master into allowing slaves to have access to the salve anytime we need."

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