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Please note...
First and foremost I mentioned this in the Code of Conduct chapter that this is a dark story. Yes...one of those moments is here like with the different techniques of torture only this is something more people are prone to lash out about.

I do not condone any form of rape, but it's a really thing and my books cover wide range issues in modern day society and this is one of them. It's easier for most people to read about getting an arm cut off then reading about rape...yet they're both horrific in their own way.

If you do not wish to read this chapter, that's your choice however, there is no warning other than this and no heart marker because there is story development and plot moments throughout and I'm not going to flag them all out for everyone. I will say the majority of what happens is near the end of the chapter.

Proceed with caution...


The air settles in my lungs as I try to breathe slowly, walking down the last hallway to the council members' chambers however, Arthur's is at the furthest end as I had remembered when changing the linens. With each step I take, it feels like a part of me is running and I can't keep up, wanting to collapse and fall apart. Arthur's just as smart as Cormac...if not one step ahead of him.

I halt in front of the door to his room, Arthur coming to stop behind me while I hesitate in raising my hand to open the door. When I exhale a deep breath, I take hold of that handle and open the door inward, taking a step back and to the side to allow him entry first per proper slave etiquette.

"Inside," is all Arthur says and it makes my skin crawl at the sound of his voice. I don't look at him, keeping my eyes ahead of me while I enter into the room, stopping a few feet inside and standing completely still. I don't want to make a wrong move here...

Arthur closes the door behind him, the chilling sound of the lock mechanism shifting into place causes the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end. It's completely silent for at least a few minutes, the eerie feeling of him staring at me brings another set of cold chills to spread through my body. A few moments later and I hear his footsteps curve around me, walking toward a closed door that he soon opens.

His eyes lift and land on me before he orders, "Take a shower, you look horrible."


I nod my head in response, walking slowly toward the open door. After I enter inside the bathroom, I quickly change out of the blood soaked dress and place it in the laundry basket. Arthur moves away from the door, closing it behind him while I grasp the counter top. My heart skips a beat, glancing up to gaze at the mirror and the only thought running through my mind is...

...he's going to see my marks.

I'm alone.

Two of my mates are no more than a few doors down and I feel completely and utterly alone.

Tears form in my eyes when I attempt to reach out and contact them...yet the burning in my veins from what Laisha had injected me with prevents any type of communication.

I jump the second I hear banging on the door and Arthur's voice follows, "I don't hear the water running...do I have to come in there and clean you myself?"

Code of Conduct |18+ (Ménage)✔Where stories live. Discover now