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The forest is thick with trees packed closely together.

My eighteenth birthday is soon approaching, right in the heart of winter. Right after the full moon will come and go, I could say I lived another year in this wasteland of a world we call home. It's nice though, hearing of the stories of old from my mother, painting me a picture of a world that should have been.

We crossed over into the large city of Brury, my mother shooting herself in the foot for allowing us to be near any major city. She fears the winter solstice approaching, her own warnings of staying away from major cities...we've broken them. Her senses are highly adapt to this environment and so has my own evolved over the years she has spent teaching me about this world. They will never been as keen as hers though.

Teaching me about the code...

Teaching me about them...

The council.

The tree trunks close in on the two of us as my mother and I carefully weave through the underbrush. The grass is up past our mid-shins, my mother's long light red hair tied back at the nape of her neck. We both wear dark clothing, concealing ourselves with the natural shadows that the night provides.

I can't imagine a world without her in it. She is my strength, my rock, the one person I can turn to when all hope seems lost. My mother is the most important person in my life...

We make a good team...just the two of us.

It's not that dark though. The moon is waxing, creeping closer to the first quarter as it casts half its glimmering light upon this world. It's always given me hope, as with every cycle of the moon, there is always a full and new moon...waiting for the next one to run its course. It will always remain the same, but this world changes drastically...

"Mother?" I ask, breathing in sharply when I see the first signs of shooting stars. They are so beautiful, I haven't seen such a splendid act of nature in awhile. I wonder what it must have been like to just lay on the grass and enjoy the wondrous night, without the fear of vampires lurking nearby. A world in which we do not have to fear of anything more than another human being...now the danger has increased tenfold.

My mother stops and turns around, both of us posted behind a large tree. Her cobalt eyes reflect my own like twins, her whisper faintly saying, "These are falling stars that you don't want to make a wish on Rose. Nothing good can come from their descent to Earth."

"But mother, you said to make a wish on a shooting s-"

"Rose, wishes don't come true," she cut me off abruptly. She is being brutally honest with me, like she has as of late and not tip-toeing around while wearing kid gloves. There is hurt reflecting in my eyes and she just shakes her head saying, "The only miracle I have ever been granted is you."

How can falling stars be so dangerous?

The cool wind tugs at the stray strands of my rose gold hair peeking out beneath the dark hood of the jacket I have flicked up. When my mother adjusts her hair, I get a glimpse of the mark she has just at the base of her neck where her shoulder meets...it isn't one caused by a vampire. Just as quickly as I see it, she's flipping her own hood up and listening for sounds.

I pay no mind to the mark, only raising a question once about it...she turned the question around on me and answered it. My body has a unique ability to heal without leaving a single scar or mark...but her body doesn't do that...not fully anyway. It hurts me to see when she is injured and there is nothing I can do...lately luck seems to not be on our side.

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