My Husband.

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The newest chapter has arrived! :)

Comment your favourite Surah, inshaAllah! Mine is Surah Ar-Rahman!! ❤💖✨

Hope you enjoy! Xx


"Sumayya. Sumayya." I heard my name being called along with knocks at my door. My head was pounding and I groaned as I rubbed my forehead to ease the pain.

"Can I come in?" Justin said and I got up off my bed, taking my hijab off the back of the chair and throwing it over my hair, wrapping it around to the back of my shoulders. "Come in." I called and the door opened wide, Justin standing there in his gym shorts and a singlet, a sweat patch on his shirt.

What the hell?

"Did you go for a run at this time?" I asked him as he studied my face with slightly narrowed eyes.

"I always go for a run at this time, Sumayya." He said, walking closer to me and sitting next to me on the bed as I released a yawn and stretched my arms above my head.


Eyes wide I picked up my phone off my dresser with shaky fingers only to see that it had 7:58 written at the top.

"Ya Allah. How did I sleep through the whole night? Why didn't you's wake me up for dinner?" I asked him.

He stayed silent for a couple of seconds. "My mum said that you told her not to let anyone disturb you because you weren't feeling well." He said.

I turned around and released a breath as I got up, only now realising that I was still in my work uniform.

"You didn't say that, did you?" He guessed.

"No, I did say it. I just forgot." I mumbled with a small smile, knowing he didn't believe me from his loud sigh. "Where's Hamza and Hafsa?." I asked him.

"In my mum's room. They slept with Abdullah yesterday." He said. "Why are your eyes puffy?" He asked me, tilting his head to the side and raising an eyebrow.

I knew my eyes were puffy. I had cried myself to sleep for hours for God's sake, of course they were going to be puffy. "Justin, I need to get ready for work. Can you get out please?"

"Why are your eyes puffy?" He pressed.

"Justin, please. I'm late as it is." I said to him.

He sighed, nodding his head as he left my room and shut the door behind him while I quickly called Bella and put my phone on the sink on speaker as I washed my face and started to do my hijab.

"Yes, I'll cover for you, don't worry." She said as soon as she answered and I released a chuckle.

"Thanks so much, Bella, I owe you big time. I'll be there in half an hour max." I said and she told me that it was fine before hanging up.

Once my hijab was perfected, I put my phone, phone charger and purse in my handbag before jogging down the stairs to get an apple. As I ate my apple, I put a water bottle in my bag as well before walking to the door and taking my keys off the hook.

Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to even check on the kids but I was sure that they were fine with Jessica or my dad.

I sped my way through the city and arrived at the restaurant by 8:27.

As soon as I walked in, I took my notepad and pen, seeing Bella give me a small wink before I smiled and got stuck into work.

By the time it was 3:53, I was counting down the minutes left to clock off when I saw Justin's motorbike pull into the carpark outside.

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