His Keys.

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"So, any news, any updates?" My dad spoke while we were sat eating dinner.

It was Monday night. Two days after I had gotten fired and I still hadn't managed to gather up the courage to tell him that...or anyone for that matter.

I guess this was the perfect opportunity.

"I learnt a new recipe today." Jess spoke up just as I opened my mouth.

"Oh yeah? Which one?" My dad said, sounding excited. Now that Jess and I were getting along, quite well actually (say allahumma barik) she was beginning to learn middle eastern dishes just so I'm not always the one who has to cook.

"Moussaka." She smiled proudly making me chuckle.

"That's one of my favourites." I told her making her smile.

"I know. Your dad told me. That's why I learnt it." She said with a grin making my heart break into tiny pieces.

Why couldn't she have been this sweet all those years? I feel like I missed so much of her goodness. I really could have used someone like her to make me feel better all those times.

But I suppose, in a way, she made me stronger. So Alhamdulillah still.

"What about you, Justin?" My dad asked.

Justin shrugged, stopped chewing and looked like he was thinking of what he could update us on.

"Oh," He spoke, once he finished his mouthful.  "I got two new clients today, meaning, I've surpassed the leader for pt with the most clients at our gym."

"So you're leader now?" Jess gasped and Justin nodded with a low chuckle.

"Oh, my gorgeous boy. I'm so proud of you." She spoke, looking like she could've began balling her eyes any second.

"Well done, kiddo." My dad said, leaning over and patting his shoulder.

"What about you two?" My dad said with a smile towards my babies.

I smiled at them as they looked at each other and then at me.

"Well, Hamza and Hafsa are starting school on Wednesday." I told them with a smile.

I answered a few questions they had about the school, like why it was starting on Wednesday which apparently was because they didn't want to put kids straight into a full week in an unforeign environment.

"So, Sumayya. What about you? Any updates?" My dad asked.

"Uh, yeah." I muttered, looking down and sighing as I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"I...uh...I got fired last week." I spoke up, making Jess gasp beside me.

"For what?" My dad said, putting his fork down.

"They were just over employed." I shrugged.

"That's bullshit!" Justin said loudly.

"Excuse me?" I chastised, narrowing my eyes.

Justin used to always curse next to the kids and so I never used to let him spend time with them until he got his potty mouth under control, yet after teaching himself not to swear at least three times in every sentence, he still couldn't control his mouth when he was angry.

"They know you're a single mother with two kids. Why would they fire you out of all those bloody pointless workers!? He continued angrily.

"Well, apparently they chose to fire the workers who've taken the most leave in the past weeks and one of them was me." I said.

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