His Parents.

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"No! Absolutely not!" My dad shouted as he stood up from his chair and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Baba, it's only for a few hours." I spoke.

"They'll miss their nap time! They won't sleep without one of us there." He reasoned.

"I told him if he can't get them to sleep he has to bring them back." I countered.

"No, Sumayya. We don't know these people anymore." He sighed as he sat beside me.

"Anymore?" I spoke. "Baba, they haven't changed. Alhamdulillah, while I was with Zaid they treated me like they treated Halima and Kubra."

"Sumayya, how are you so comfortable with this?" He asked me in Arabic.

"Baba, please. He has a right in Islam. They're his kids. In my heart it really feels like I'm making the right decision. Don't make me think I'm doing something wrong if I'm not." I replied in Arabic also.

He exhaled and after a few moments of silence where he seemed to be in deep thought, he nodded. "Fine. But I want him to constantly keep us updated." He said.

I smiled. "JazakAllahu khayr, baba. Wallahi I wouldn't have agreed any other way anyway." I chuckled and he smiled, pulling me into him and hugging me tightly before I pulled away and stood up.

"I'm going to call mum in my room." I said and he nodded, bidding me good night as I left his office while he was walking to his desk chair.


"That's great, habibti." My mum replied after I told her what I had allowed Zaid to do.

"Really?" I asked, shocked that she sounded so happy.

"Of course, sweetheart. Allah knows your intention and I'm sure He will reward you for making a decision that is tough for you, just so you can please Him."

"InshaaAllah, mama." I said, a smile taking over my face.

"He actually wanted them over the weekend." I said.

"Even if you agreed, Hamza and Hafsa wouldn't have allowed that. They wouldn't stop crying for you." She said and I nodded in agreement.

"Even being away from them for a few hours is going to be a struggle." I spoke honestly.

"Well, just imagine you're at work." She said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, but they're going to be with people who are strangers to them. Not Jess or Justin or dad." I spoke.

"They're family. Allah will pave a way and they'll be accepting inshaaAllah." She said.

I smiled. I loved her so much.


"Yes, habibti?"

"I love you. I love you so so so much, you know that, right?" I asked her, tears gathering in my eyes.

"You tell me too many times for me to not know, Sumayya." She chuckled.

"I'd rather too much than too little. I can't imagine how I'd feel if Allah were to take your soul one day and I was left filled with regret for not spending enough time with you or not respecting you or not telling you I loved you enough." I spoke.

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