My Business.

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Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh love bugs ❤️❤️❤️
I'm sorry I'm three days late, but I wish you all a happy Eid al Adha! May Allah swt grant you and your families health, imaan, happiness, peace and blessings and may you all be among those whom He loves and those whom He is pleased with. May He accept all of your ibadah from the blessed ten days of Dhul hijjah and throughout the year. Ameen.

Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum. ❤️

So without further ado, here's my Eid gift to you x I hope you enjoy.


"You look like you haven't slept all night." Kyle commented as he came beside me, standing straight with his back against the counter like I was and joining his hands behind him while mine were joined in front of me.

"Maybe because I haven't." I suggested sarcastically as I looked around the restaurant that was fairly empty today as it was early Monday and during work and school hours. There were a few tables occupied but nothing to rush us.

He released a chuckle. "Well why not?" He asked me as he glanced at the woman who had just walked in, wearing a pencil skirt and a blouse, a folder in her hand and her phone held to her ear with the other.

"Do I need to tell you?" I asked him with a scoff, not seriously annoyed, just mucking around I guess.

"Of course not, but let me guess. That guy, whoever he is was on your mind?" He spoke, turning his head side ways to look at me while I felt my cheeks redden slightly. "Bingo." He spoke up making me shake my head as I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Kyle." I muttered as I crossed my arms across my chest, only to bring them back down again and straighten my posture like Kyle did once Bella's voice was heard approaching us.

I cleared my throat and Kyle pulled his shirt, fixing the collar and his tie as he joined his hands in front of him like me.

"What are you bludgers doing standing around?" She asked us with a scoff. We turned around and looked at her. She was drying her hands on the cloth attached to her waist.

"It's not busy, Bella." Kyle said with a smirk, gesturing around the place.

"So go help in the kitchen then, you slackers. You don't get paid to have a chat." She said while rolling her eyes and making me laugh.

"Someone's not in a good mood today." I said, making her look up at me.

"How bout you go sort out the customer at your table?" She asked me, raising a cocky eyebrow. I turned to look in my section, seeing the girl who had walked in earlier sitting at a two seater table, tapping at her phone.

"Maybe I will." I said with a chuckle as I plucked a menu from the counter and turned to leave.

"Actually, maybe I will." Kyle said next to me as he smirked towards her table, quickly taking the menu from my hands as he confidently walked towards her.

I shook my head and both Bella and I laughed.

"Typical." We both muttered at the same time. Only my laugh was cut short as she threw a tea towel at me, I barely caught it in time before it almost hit my face. "Counters." She said.

"Counters." I repeated, mocking her tone as I walked around and to the inside of the counter, beginning to wipe.

"One day, Sumayya. One day I'll find it in me to fire you." She muttered as she turned to leave.

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