Our Family.

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Comment a lot 😡 I love reading your comments man wallahi :( <3

"Okay, is everything ready?" I asked stressfully as I looked around the dining table, making sure there was every single thing the kids liked for breakfast. And yes. That included ice cream pancakes with chocolate.

I didn't care. Today was their first day of school.

Cameras were ready to go on our phones and I was itching to wake them for their first day.

I had texted Zaid after speaking to my dad and getting permission for him to join us for breakfast, but he hadn't replied so I assumed he wouldn't come.

"Yes, love. Everything is perfect. Go on and wake them." Jess said, putting my shoulder.

I smiled and took a deep breath before hurrying up the stairs and saying the words that I'd probably be saying every weekday from now own for the next god knows how many years inshaaAllah.

"Come on, kids. Wake up. Time for school!" I clapped my hands enthusiastically and leaned over the bed, kissing them both awake and watching their eyes blink open, Hafsa showing me her big brown pupils and Hamza's bright blue orbs become apparent.


"Already?" Hamza asked me while yawning.

"Yep, it's the morning. Come on, wake up." I said. "We don't want to be late for our first day now, do we?" I asked with a smile. They both got up slowly and we went to the bathroom to wash their faces and brush their teeth. After putting on their outfits which I had picked last night, we were making our way downstairs.

"Good morning, habibti." My dad said as he kissed Hafsa's head. "Good morning, habibi." He said right after as he kissed Hamza also.

Jess and Justin both did the same.

"Oh, I love their outfits, Sumayya." Jess said, glancing at them in awe as she placed her hands on her chest. My eyes were glossed over with unshed tears and I was just waiting on when I wouldn't be able to stop myself from letting it all go.

"Thanks, Jess." I said. I had picked out simple outfits. They both had on the same white sneakers, Hamza was wearing a white T shirt with blue jeans and a red and black checkered flannel over the top that I'd left unbuttoned and Hafsa had white stockings with denim short overalls and a red and black checkered headband that resembled a bandana.

They were adorable. The most adorable kids. And Alhamdulillah, they were mine. Well, mine and Zaids, but you get my drift.

"Come on, look what there is for breakfast!" I said, placing them in their chairs and watching as their eyes widened looking at the ice cream and pancakes.

"Hey, look here, kiddos. Sumayya, look up." Justin's voice came and as I looked up I saw him recording on his phone.

I fake gasped pointing to the camera. "Say hi to uncle J." I spoke, waving my hand and smiling with them as he took a few photos before starting to record a video once they began eating.

"Tell uncle J what you're eating Hamza." I said with a grin.

"Pancakes!" He cheered with his mouth full.

"Pancakes with what?" I asked, looking at Hafsa who swallowed before she answered loudly.

"Ice cream!" She yelled making me chuckle.

"Why you laughing, man? Do you know how unhealthy that stuff is?" Justin said, continuing the video on me and making me feel a tad bit guilty.

"Whatever, it's my babies first day of school. Allow it. Plus, baba bought the ice cream." I said, pointing to my dad who stopped laughing and straightened up once the camera was pointed to him.

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