Chapter 7: Game On

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Songs for the chapter:

I Knew You Were Trouble-Taylor Swift

Who Are You-Fifth Harmony

In Case-Demi Lovato

Worst night and sleep ever! I had Harry's voice in my head saying that he loves me throughout the night. It was monday and I have to get ready for work. I took a shower, wore a yellow shirt black designs and black jeans and some black converse. I realised Alice already left. I made myself coffee and waited for Kayla to come for Darcy.

It made me even more confused about a lot of things, a part of me wanted to tell him everything about Darcy but you know why I didnt. It questioned my feelings too. Did I still love Harry? Of course I did, I never stopped loving it was just by my own mistake to hide my pregnancy, my/our daughter from that drifted us away.

Speaking of Darcy, my baby girl started crying, she's awake and she's hungry. I went to our room and picked her up in my arms. Soon as she saw me, she smiled and stopped crying.

Darcy cooed , she's so cute!

"You hungry baby?"I asked and she nodded her head very fast, I went to the kitchen to take her milk bottle and sat in the living room feeding her. I love the way she smiles, she's so much like Harry.

Shut up Brooke!

Then Kayla showed up and she had a lot of shopping bags with her, first time in my place.

"Brooke! It's time for the little angel to have her milk, let me take fate of her"Kayla said.I smiled at Kayla then looked at Darcy.

"You be a good girl with Kayla ok? I love you"I cooed kissing her cheek making her giggling. I gave my daughter to Kayla so I could go to work.

At work, Alice was wearing a purple shirt with dark blue 3/4th jeans and black converse, we were doun our work while chatting.

"So, how's baby cupcake?"Alice asked me. I know she meant Darcy but I couldn't help but think about Harry! Snap out of it Brooke!

"She's good, "I told her smiling thinking my cute little daughter.

"What happened yesterday?"She asked me. I got a flashback of yesterday, Harry and I conversation, the kiss. Why the hell would I kiss him back? What's wrong with me? I love him thats what!

"He said... he loves me...he...he kissed me"I said not finding the words, Alice was beyond shocked when I said he kissed me. Of course.

"HE WHAT?" Alice freaked out. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes he did!"I mumbled. She looked at me checking my face expression.

"You kissed him back didn't you?"She asked me, so sure of the answer.

She knows me too well.

I nodded slowly and she was jawdropped now.

"I knew you always loved him!"Alice said smiling, I gave her a dirty look, I don't love Harry, right? I don't! Yeah why did I keep saying that when I really loved him?

"You told him right?"Alice continued and I raised my eyebrows at her. Why would she think I would tell Harry now?

"What? No of course I didnt? Why would you think that? "I asked her confused.

" Because that was the best time to say it. Brooke , if he loves you sooo much, he actually never stopped so telling him he s the father of this beautiful baby was the right timing. You lost your chance."Alice said and I didnt know what to think or say or do anymore. Really? Was it right timing? Did I blew it? I had to tell Harry about Darcy, about everything? What would it change anyway? What if he leaves this time, this time for good? Who ll be hurt now? Me.

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