Chapter 9: I Love Harry? Really?

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Songs for the chapter:

Still In Love With You-Jonas Brothers

Round & Round-Selena Gomez

What If-Ashley Tisdale

I fell on the floor, passed out. Alice and Alina helped me to wake up and sit to our table. Alice was next and right in front of us was Alina and the person I least expected to see, Harry. What the hell? He's Alina's boyfriend? Of all the guys, of all the sexy guys on earth it had to be HIM?

"Brooke, you alright?"Alina asked me like she cared.

Why is she so nice to me, does she know about Harry and me? Did he tell her about me? Why should he? Im nothing to him, we're over! I acted normal smiling not looking at Harry.

"Oh yeah she's fine... She 'll be better if she could stop starving herself..."Alice lied, I raised my eyebrow at her, me? Starving? Yeah right.

"Starving? Why ? You're so fit, right Harry?"Alina asked looking at Harry smiling, oh no now Harry looked at me, that look on his face, I think he found out Alice's lying.

"Yeah... She is!"He said looking at me, Alice squeezed my hand to calm me down.

"Can we order?"Alice asked as the waiter came just in time. We all ordered many peri peri chicken and potato wedges.

"How long have you two been dating?---Owww"Alice asked them and yelled when I kicked her leg under the table. What was that question for? Harry and Alina exchanged some kind of looks but Alina wasn't talking, he was.

"A week"Harry said, Alice amd I gulped slowly, a week?So what the hell was that kiss yesterday? He said he loved me? Was he just testing me?

"!...Owww"Alice said and I kicked her again. Congrats it seems!

"So Brooke tell me about your boyfriend?"Alina asked me an that moment Harry coughed chokes while drinking water, huh? I didn't know what to say now, I can't even lie to have a boyfriend, can't see myself with anybody except Harry! Oh shut up Brooke.

"I told you I'm single"I told her drinking my coke. There was a little sign of relief in Harry's face, what?

"Ready to mingle?"Alina asked me smiling, why is she this gentle? I laughed, don't ask why?

"No no, I'm happy single, just Alice and me, Im happy !"I said showing a big smile hugging Alice showing how happy I am.

I am not happy. I just did something terribly wrong and now I was paying the price. I lost the best thing that ever happened to me and now Im watching it with someone else.

I noticed Harry never stopped looking at me but he was also caressing Alina's hand or his fingers on her neck, why am I getting jealous.

Suddently my phone rang, its the neighbours, hope Darcy's fine.

"Im sorry I have to take this!"I said running to the bathroom with my phone and I was alone.

"Hi, how is she?"I asked and instead I heard my baby girl's voice.

Darcy cooed happily, sge always make me smile n make me feel better.

"Hey baby, how are you?"I asked her sweetly.

Darcy's coos was a little sad that I can imagine her with a cute pouty face.

"Aww baby I miss you too, mommy will come and get you soon, be a good girl ok, i love you Darcy!"I told her.

Darcy cooed n cut the call. Seeing Harry and talking to Darcy breaks my heart again, I dont know why I can't take it that he's with someone else, he's Darcy's father. That he had no fucking idea and whose fault was that? MEEEE EEE EEEEEE.

He doesn't know that, she doesn't know, they don't need to know. He's not ready for this. Exactly! Why do I care? I can't believe tears started falling from my eyes, why am I crying? I wipes my tears ams joined Alice not looking at Alina or Harry.

"What did I miss?"I said looking at Alice. Alice gave me a worrying look or a look like as if there's something wrong.

"We gotta go, Work tomorrow! Bye Harry bye Alina!"Alice said getting up smiling at them and she took my arm and we left Nandos. All I could hear as we walked out a sound like a hi5.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?"I asked Alice who was driving.

"Trust me you don't want to know!"Alice said and now I was scared. Ok what did I miss?

"Yes I do!"I told her and she silent concentrating on the road. What did she, Harry and Alina talk about that I shouldn't know.

"Nnnno you don't!"Alice insisted.

"Ok, what's the problem?"I asked her trying to calm down but she was the one to freak out.

"You love him that's the problem! You're my bestfriend, I want you to be happy...that's why I can't tell you"Alice raised her voice. I was silent now, something is really fishy.

What did Harry and Alina tell Alice that she can't tell me because she 's protecting me. From what?

Getting hurt? Inside?

"Whatever, let's take Darcy. I need her!"I said as she drove faster. At our appartment, I first went to our neighbours to get Darcy back, soon as I opened the door, the sweet lady Mrs Hudson had my baby girl in her arms.

Darcy squealed looking at me. I took her in my arms kissing her cheek. I missed her so much.

"Darcy! I missed you so much, you were a good girl right?"I asked her and she nodded her head fastly.

"Of course she's an angel, where's her daddy?"Mrs Hudson asked amd the smile on my and Alice's faces was gone. Can't start the daddy talk with Darcy, it breaks my heart.

"It doesn't matter...he's gone!"I said weakly, I was about to cry any moment. Alice took to my appartment, leaving Darcy to play with her toys while we were talking casually. But there was one thing that made my head spin around again.

"Brooke...I think we should tell him about Darcy NOW ...that he has a daughter!"Alice said. I can't these words just came out of her mouth, I can't tell Harry about his daughter, especially now that he has Alina. Why would he care anyway?

"No he doesn't have to know , what has got into your head?"I told her controlling my temper.

"Brooke stop! You can lie to everybody but not to me...I know you love him, you always did...maybe if you tell him...he could change his mind!"Alice said

Which fly bit her? Why would she tell me to tell Harry the whole truth that he has a daughter all of a sudden Now I really have to know what were they talking about.

"I cant face him Alice, Im not telling him! I wanted to many times but I..Im scared Im not sure if I can face telling him, especially now "I yelled but no use, actually worst.

"Well if you can't...I will! This is for your own good...yours and Darcy's"Alice said and left, oh no she won't! I couldn't take it anymore, my head was spinning more, I was sweating,my heart beating so fast and all of a sudden everything went black, once again I passed out.

He can't know.

But I have to know what the hell they were talking without me

But was Alice right? Do I love Harry?

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