Chapter 8: Mommy? I Have A Daddy?

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Songs for the chapter:

Heartbreaker-Pat Benatar

Little White Lies-One Direction

You Belong With Me-Taylor Swift

Alice left to her house, I was driving to Starbucks to distract my mind from my ex boyfriend and his new girl before going home. I ordered a cappucino and sat alone looking around not thinking about you know who. Suddently, I saw a pretty girl wearing a little black dress(A/N are we thinking the same thing? haha) She came to sit next to me as my table was the only vacant one. She looked familiar though.

"Hello!"She said smiling at me, she looked really sweet.

"Hello!"I told her smiling. She was having her chocochip drink.

"I'm Alina, what's your name?"She said. So her name is Alina. No doesn't ring a bell!

"Brooke!"I told her smiling.

"What are you doing alone?"She asked me, not mocking, she was nice. I can't tell anybody about Harry, keep it low, she didn't recognise me so it's all good.

"I just finished work, just relaxing , you?"I told her. She smiled.

"I just finished dance class so yeah even I'm resting!"She said giggling, I was giggling too.

"You're really cute, who's your boyfriend?"I asked her and she blushed, aww how cute, just complimenting ok!

"Well, I'm not supposed to say his name but he's perfect, I love him so much!"Alina said all smiley. She's in love! Like Me! What? No way! Yes way!

"Aww that's so sweet!"I told her.

"What about your boyfriend?"She asked me, my smile disappeared, I also noticed her face was like she was thinking about something but I don't care.

"I don't have a boyfriend!"I told her and she laughed as if I said a joke.

"A beautiful girl like you should have a boyfriend, come on who's the lucky guy?"She asked me. Should I laugh? Should I smile or frown? I didn't know.

"I don't have , really!"I told her but she looked at me for a while and sighed,

"Ok, I gotta go, here's my number! Call me anytime, who knows , hang with me and we ll find you someone in no time! See ya!"She said smiling and left. She gave me ger number the very first time we met, she's so nice to me, too nice I can say. She looks familiar but I can't figure out.

WHat's going on? Should I worry?

Now I get it why Harry loved and still loves her, she's really beautiful and really nice girl. I don't get it why they broke up but I'm not supposed to care, my job here is to make her jealous and realise her love for him. But one thing I cannot deny,

Harry is so perfect.

I left Starbucks and went to my car and called Harry to tell him.

"How did it go?"Harry asked me immediately. He's really professional.

"You're an idiot!"I told him, he was surprised.

"Excuse me?"Harry asked really surprised.

"To break up with her, she's amazing!"I told and he sighed in relief I guess.

Oh...hmm...yeah...I two didn't fight right?"Harry said. Why would he think Brooke and I would fight? She's too nice for a fight.

"No! She's sweet! What do I do?"I asked him.

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