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"Seek happiness within yourself". I'm empty inside! Emptiness is happiness. I can't bear the emptiness, the inane silence. I want someone to talk to me, no no not my inner voice, it never shuts up! An actual person to talk to me when I need them. Our conversations should be so deep that I should actually begin understanding Neitzsche. I should transform into different persons in the same body, think from different perspectives. A soul split into a dozen, trying to understand that person and the thoughts in my head with the different people inside. Imagine it happens the same inside that person, you both have a conversation beyond spirituality and turns surreal you know you get to a point, you both know very well, yet unable to convey it. The people inside your head and theirs, intertwine, the souls understand rather than argue, talking instead of debating. Imagination without any logic. Love, the necessity, more than a bond or sex. Turns out to be something unexplainable what you always craved for, that vague emptiness you always tried to fill by reading, listening to songs, eating the most delicious food, doing it wrong all along. You can finally feel it happening. That person who may not be perfect, nor hold the same ideologies as you, nor much knowledgeable, not the way you imagined your soul mate to be. That person can create miracles, make dragons spit ice, make the devils dance in heaven, when you don't even believe in magic.


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