Let's Get A Life

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You crave to see happy people especially couples, where love is in the air.
You find them in celebrities, influencers and films. 'cause that is what they feed you. That is what you want to see.
They get paid to be so! You seek what you don't get. It's easy to hide the book and just show the page I want you to read.
It's easy to woo you by the fancy cover. But inside it is torn and pages missing.

Have you ever given a thought when you read "The End" and feel contented that it's a happy ending? When truly, it's quite the opposite. The lovebirds have just got united. They are gonna be a family and that is exactly when the story starts. It is not just bed-coffee with kisses and binge eating with cuddles. It's effing bills, rent, grocery, savings, disagreements and cleaning your kid's poo! F*** all those couple goals, family goals, destination goals. Concentrate on real goals, life goals! Goals that will shape you as a person, don't carve yourself to fit into others tomb. Honestly, we need to get a life! Stop searching for a lover, get a partner.

- Lohithaksha

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