01:14 AM

9 4 2

01:14 AM

Bored from scrolling

the never ending loop

of (un)social media

I give up

lay my phone aside.

The shoddy room

filled only with warm light

from a nearby street lamp

piercing through the

dirty windows - The grill

makes a beautiful pattern

on the wall. I stare at it

also the shadow of

the milkshake bottle and

my money plant in it

distracting the pattern.

Lost in my thoughts

I begin to draw in the air

with my index finger

making patterns of S

tracing the design.

I eventually start admiring it

Who knew I'd seek pleasure

not from my "smart"phone but

in the lazy design made by

a worn out blacksmith

somewhere in the world

who has been forging

the same design for years -

- like the way he takes his meal.

- Lohithaksha

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