I'm always with you

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You hardly notice me

I'm always with you

though you seldom need me.

Like the summer blanket

I'll hold you close

just to feel cozy

Like the morning sunrays

to remind

darkness won't last forever

Like the extra cup

when your coffee is too hot

Like the money you find

in your old jeans

Like the newly bloomed bud

which you forgot you planted

Like the smile of a toddler

in a supermarket aisle

Like the perfect temperature

of your morning shower

Like the sudden wake up call

though you forgot to set alarm

Like the opening of novel

precisely on the page you left

Like the 1 AM pee and you know

you have few more hours to sleep

Like the extra sachet in the pizza box

when you think you're out of topping

I'm always with you

though you seldom need me.

- Lohithaksha

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