Your bit

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Those lonely nights, burning the midnight oil, pondering over plethora of questions - your existential crisis, if anything that you do really matters? The verge, where you stand in between the On/Off switch, clueless which side to weigh on. Here's a truth you probably wouldn't want to hear, but let me put it straight.

The world can still live without you, but you can do your bit to make it a better world.

- Lohithaksha

(**I found this in my notes from three years ago where I had written ".... the world can still live without you" it hit me hard, like a message from my past self to me. As I still deal with existential crisis, it hit me hard. But after all these years with all the *air quotes* Adult Experience life gave me, I thought. Wait, that's not entirely true and edited what the 18 year old me wrote, which is what you read right now. Go on do your "bit" :)  **)

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