Chapter 1

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28 days until Christmas 🎄

December 1, 2016

November and the last part of October were full of drama. Basically, it was full of ghosts, breakups, and then getting back together with your boyfriend. Then there is also Thanksgiving dinner, but that's another story. But, yeah, Luke and I got back together on Thanksgiving after nearly being eaten by a werewolf (also another and long story) and when we were on the roof of my house. That's right, I hide from my sisters on the roof. It's way better than your room. I'm also still exhausted from Black Friday shopping at 2 am. Let's just say, Briar and her sister can shop. Anyway, I woke up this morning thinking it would be a great day. I had all my perfumes from Bath & Body Works, I had new copic markers, new art supplies, and all of my Christmas shopping done for friends and family. I got ready quickly and sprayed on a random perfume.
"Vanilla Bean Noel. Smells good." I thought aloud. I put my hair into two braids and put on a little bit of makeup. Lastly, I put on some socks and put my brown Bearpaw boots over my black leggings. Then I put on my Nike jacket and zipped it up. I swear, I live in this thing. I walked out of my room.
"Heidi, watch out!" Hannah yelled. I stepped back as Kaitlyn and Hannah passed. They were fighting over....a jazz shoe? Why?
"Why in the world are you fighting over a jazz shoe?" I asked.
"Because I know Hannah took 20 dollars out of my wallet." Answered Kaitlyn.
"And I need my jazz shoe back to do my warm up." Responded Hannah. I shrug and weaved my way around them. There was no way I'm getting involved in that. Otherwise, I'd be like that jazz shoe. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom arguing with Aunt Sage.
"I should take care of it. She's my niece." Argued Aunt Sage.
"She's my daughter!" My mom yelled.
"Exactly, you get to talk to her about everything else. I don't." Stated my aunt.
"Well, there's a reason why. Which is because you can't. My house, my rules." 
"Well, your no fun. We all know, as the younger sister, I'm the fun one." My aunt boasted.
"No way! I am."
"No, I am."
"I am!"
"I am!"
"Um, guys..." They stopped arguing and looked at me. My mom glance at the sink and salt shaker. She snuck behind Aunt Sage and filled a glass with water and salt. She threw the water onto her and started running away.
"Should've thought about starting an argument with me." She yelled as she ran outside.
"Ugh! Amanda!" Aunt Sage yelled. I handed her a towel.
"Thanks." She mumbled as she concentrated drying off. I leaned against the counter and was texting Luke.
"So, you and mom don't get along?" I asked as I continued to text Luke.
"Yeah. Sometimes we can get along but..."
"But what?"
"A lot of the time we don't. We argue over stupid things and I hate it. Your mom is stubborn and barely listens to other people. She tries, but she can't."
"That's where I get it from." I said. That sudden moment of realization. Who knew?
"What were you arguing about this time?" I asked.
"We need to tell you something. It's extremely important." She stood up once she was dried off.
"Well, what is it?" I questioned.
"I can't. It's too important. Maybe ask your boyfriend."
"You know I have a boyfriend? Wow!" I laughed.
"Hey, I pay attention to my surroundings." She stated.
"If you guys are arguing over who asks me, then why don't you both ask me? You know, compromise." I suggested.
"Actually, that's a great idea. You should tell your mom." She said.
"Oh no, no, no, no. I have a better idea." I grabbed Aunt Sages hand and pulled her out the door.
"Mom! I have someone who wants to talk to you." I yelled as I walked out the door. Even though my aunt and my mom are adults, they seriously don't act like it. I dragged my aunt to where my mom was.
"Now Aunt Sage, how about you tell mom your idea." I said.
"Well, um, Amanda, I was thinking...that...maybe we could...tell her the thing....................together." She suggested. My mom was silent for a second.
"Actually, that's a............great idea!" My mom exclaimed.
"Wait, was that Heidi's idea?" She asked.
"How'd you know?" I questioned.
"My sister is kinda obvious if she's shy or lying. And she was lying that it was her idea." My mom stated.
"Right." I agreed.
"Even though it was my daughters idea, I still love it. We'll do it together." She told my aunt.
"So, what is this thing you want to tell me?" They looked at each other and then back to me.
"We'll tell you later. We need to come up with ideas on how to tell you." My mom said.
"Ok. Can I go to Luke's house?"
"Sure. Be back in a few hours."
"Bye." I grabbed my bike and started riding it. Luke lived farther away than Briar. He still lived by the beach like us, it's just that his house is more isolated than ours. He does live in a neighborhood except he's more on the outskirts of it. It's a little hard to explain. It takes roughly 10 minutes to bike there. See, it's kinda far. Then I had to walk my bike once I reached the sand. Sand and bikes don't mix. It gets stuck in your wheels and gets thrown onto you as you pedal. It's just plain annoying. Finally! I've made it! Even though he has been my boyfriend since the summer, I've never been to his house. Ever. It didn't bother me. Actually, he was the one who suggested me to come over. I knocked on the wooden door. Surprisingly, they had a pretty big house. The person that answered the door was a little girl. She had straight blonde hair that went a tiny bit past her shoulder. She had pale skin and dark green eyes and looked like she was 10.
"Um, do I know you?" She asked.
"Wait, this is Luke Montgomery's house, right?" She nodded.
"Good, this is the right house. I'm here to see Luke."
"Come in." She whispered. I could tell she was shy. Really shy. I walked into their house. The walls were painted an ocean blue and it was very beachy. Makes sense since at least 2 of the people who live here are merfolk.
"My step brother is in the basement." She mumbled. She pointed toward the door that was right outside the living room. I walked downstairs into the basement. Since my aunt and mom won't tell me, it'll just have to be Luke who tells me.
Hey guys! I hope that you enjoyed my last story and liked this chapter. Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was shopping all day. Did you guys watch the Macy's Day Parade? My dog was squeaking her toy and when the Hairspray Live came up I took it from her. I know, I'm mean. I gave it back to her though. If I don't update on December 7th it's because I'll be watching Hairspray Live. And don't worry. You'll find out the important thing. By the way, the Christmas countdown does not contribute to the story. It's just for fun. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading.

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