Chapter 11

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Christmas Day 🎄

December 25, 2016 (if you don't know, that's now. The present. Get it? Christmas puns.)
I climbed down the steps in my new mermaid onesie. I got it from Briar on Christmas Eve. She has a fairy one. We are mythical creature twinsies. I was still half asleep and could barely walk. I almost fell down the steps...twice. I went into the living room, and holy cow! There's tons of gifts. Tons.
"How'd you sleep?" My mom asked.
"Eh, only for about 4 hours." I replied. Then it hit me.
"Wait, why are you here?" I asked Luke.
"Of course that's the first thing my girlfriend says to me on Christmas." He sighed.
"Sorry, Merry Christmas. Why are you here?" I said.
"Your mom invited me over."
"Probably Briar too, right?" I said glancing at my mom.
"Yeah." She said. We did what we normally did. Briar came. Open presents, freak out over what we get, then go get ready for the rest of the day. I got art stuff, gift cards, all 8 seasons of Psych, books, drawing books, and BB gun. Yep, I wanted that. I also got some pretty sweet mermaid socks and earrings. I started walking up the steps and was ready to get ready. It's Christmas, I had to dress nice. I have to put the leggings and sweatshirts on hold, sorry. So, I got my shower and brushed my teeth. I went into my room. What to wear, what to wear? I'll wear the black footless tights (even though I really hate tights), a red velvety, short sleeve (kinda a wide tank top strap) dress, and some dark red heels to match my dress. I went into my bathroom and started to curl my hair. In 15 minutes I had lose curls, more like beach waves, instead of my normal straight hair. I put on red lipstick to match my dress and shoes. I put on normal makeup that most people normally wear. Yeah, we all have to dress up on holidays when you live in this household. I walked downstairs. I guess everyone was getting ready. I heard a knock on the front door. I went to answer it and there was Luke, Briar, and Brayden. Briar had on a black long sleeve dress with tights. She was wearing black heels and her normal makeup. Brayden and Luke had basically the same thing. Actually, that's basically the only thing they wear to special occasions. Khaki shorts and a button up shirt. Like me had a pale red one and Brayden had a pale green one. They both had tan Sanuks on too. All three of them started at me in awe.
"You look hot." Luke said.
"Thanks. Do you guys wanna come in or..."
"You should wear your hair down more often." Brayden said.
"I tell her but she never listens." Briar scoffed.
"So what are you guys here for?" I asked.
"We were just here to pick you up. Remember, we are going to the party at Lily's house. You are going, right?" Briar asked.
"Oh yeah. Sorry, I'm tired. I barely slept last night." I groaned. We walked out the door. My mom knows where I'm going because I told her. Lily King throws really good parties. She's one of Sydney's friends, unfortunately. The only thing different is that Lily invites everyone in the grade. Sydney only invites cute, cool, or popular people. Also, people she's not enemies with. We got into Brayden's car. He's the oldest out of us four. The only one with a license. We started driving to Lily's house for her Christmas party.
Sorry that this is a day late. It was meant to be published yesterday (that's why it say Christmas Day at the top) and I didn't have time. I got caught up in binge watching Psych because I got the whole series on DVD. Yay! The next chapter will be normal. Also, sorry that it's short. Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it.

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