Chapter 19

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I walked in and saw the most surprising thing.
"Carson? Luke? Briar? Why are you guys here?" I asked.
"He thinks he knows something." Luke hissed.
"At least I do, Fish." He retorted. They exchanged glares until Briar cut in.
"Okayyyy, let's get on with it. Carson, what do you have to say?" Briar went on.
"Well, so I was....uh....never mind, and I was hearing this woman talking in the phone. She was talking about how soon all the merfolk were gonna be wiped out. She said it was revenge for what they did to her thousands of years ago and she's meeting someone at the cave tomorrow at 12:04 sharp. She said '...that if this works, we'll be the most powerful mythical creature in all of the world...' and that whoever 'they' are we're going to get rid of all the mythical creatures and expose them to the world. I-I gotta go." He rushed out of the room and sprinted out the front door.
"That was weird. Do you think we should check it out?" Briar asked.
"Yes!" Like and I said that at the same time.
"Why, this is the big break that was needed! We can catch the bad guy, get my mother's tail back, and most importantly, save an entire species!"
"Well, you saw how he had to rush off! He obviously is setting us up! He's involved on this, I'm telling you Heidi!"
"Why don't you trust him? What's so messed up between you two? Is there something you aren't telling me?"
"I'll tell you later. It's not that important."
"Well, it sure seems like it Luke! We are going down there tomorrow, whether you like it or not. Meet me right here tomorrow, attendance is mandatory! Understood?"
"Whatever." Luke mumbled.
"Got it." Briar replied. They both walked out and started to go home. Time to investigate. I walked outside and started to walk. Now, where could he have gone? I was looking down at my shoes and noticed something. There was feathers from a...bird? But, what type of bird has feathers that start at yellow then stop at red? Yet alone, that big? And there's a trail of them. Guess what I'm gonna do! I continued to follow the trail of feathers until they stopped. I looked around but saw nothing but a dark, open space. That's weird. There's nothing here at all. Just darkness. Then just my luck, something burnt me. There's not even a fire around! I turned around and there was nothing...again. Then I felt a hand go over my mouth. I tried to scream but it wasn't too loud. All you could here was a quiet, muffled, scream. And no one was around. I. Was. Doomed.
Mwah ha ha! Cliffhanger! Don't worry, your questions will be answered. Also, please do the thing I told you to do in the last chapter. The thing where you choose a number between 1-14. Yeah, that thing! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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