Chapter 2

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26 days until Christmas 🎄

I walked down the steps into the basement.
"Hey, you never told me you had a stepsister."
"You've met Cyd, haven't you? I have a little brother named Matt and another little sister named Kacey, too."
"I thought you were an only child." I said.
"I was up until 3 years ago. My mom didn't change her last name. According to her she was 'to lazy to change it again.' She wouldn't do it if her life depended on it."
"Wow. So, do your siblings and stepfather know about..."
"Nope. My mom plans to tell them, but we both know that won't happen." He told me.
"I've been meaning to ask you something," I started.
"So, what's something really important in a mermaids life that is argument worthy?" I asked.
"Um, I don't know. I guess your mom and aunt don't want you to know just yet."
"How'd you know I wa- I mean, this is just in general." Saved it!
"Heidi, I'm not an idiot. I know where this is going." He replied.
"Please tell me! If you don't I'll die. Please, please, please." I begged.
"But Luke!" I whined. Then the perfect idea popped into my head.
"I'll make you listen to Kitty's scientific breakthroughs."
"She's not even in Florida anymore." He said.
"But she is coming back for Christmas." I mentioned.
"You wouldn't."
"Oh, I would." It went silent.
"Fine!" He exclaimed.
"I knew you would give in." I laughed.
"You are one of the sneakiest people I've ever met. I have to say, you are a good blackmailer."
"I know how to use people's disadvantages to my advantage. Why do you think I have an art studio?" I commented. He nodded.
"Now, tell me what's so important?"
"I'm not sure. If I get this wrong, don't blame me. I'm guessing that they are trying to tell you what type of mermaid you are."
"What type of mer- what the heck does that mean?"
"There are different types of mermaids. Shapeshifters, wishgivers, weatherworkers, etc. Then, those categories are broken down. For example, a type of shapeshifters would be a selkie." He explained.
"I think I have a book with all this stuff in it. I found it in the attic when I was in 4th grade. I remember that Reagan and I would read it. That was when I was in Maryland, of course. Who knew that it was all real?" I said.
"How do they figure it out?" I asked.
"Personality, talents, I don't exactly know."
"Well, what are you?" I asked.
"Wavemaker. It's a type of weatherworker." I listened carefully. This could be useful one day.
"Wait, you said that mermaids didn't have powers, only the men. You lied, didn't you." I confronted him.
"Yeah. You just became a mermaid and I don't think that you could've handled it."
"Uh, I think that I could have!" I exclaimed. Frankly, I was quite offended.
"You could barely handle the fact that your crush was part fish." He stated plainly.
"Oh, right." Ok, maybe I wasn't that offended. I heard light footsteps on the steps.
"What was that?" I asked. Luke grabbed my hand and started pulling me.
"What's the big deal?"
"One of my siblings just heard that whole conversation." He said. I could tell he was worried and anxious. I could also tell this wouldn't go over with the sibling that was eavesdropping. Poor guy. We heard someone talking on the phone. We could make out the mumbling on the other line. Barely.
"Dad, we have to leave now! Your wife and step son are merfolk!"
"Cydney, you probably heard something wrong. Mermaids don't exist."
"But dad!"
"Cyd, go do something. I'm about to go to a meeting."
"Bye, sweetie." Cyd hung up the phone. Luke walked over to her. I followed. She looked petrified. She went to grab a frying pan.
"Cyd, a frying pan isn't a weapon." Luke mumbled.
"According to 'Tangled' it is." She whispered.
"Look, I'm not gonna hurt you. Heidi, I'm not so sure." I glared at him.
"I'm not either." I told her.
"Why didn't you and mom tell dad? Why are you even on land?" She asked.
"I don't know. I guess my mom thought the ocean wasn't safe for a six year old kid after my dad died." He responded.
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"It's alright. Just...don't tell anyone."
"Ok." I get it, it's a lot to take in. I'd react the same way if I was in her place.
"Hey, next time you go swimming...will you bring me back a shell? It's alright if you don't i-" she asked.
"Yeah." We walked back to the basement.
Bzzt Bzzt

You need to come home now! Important!

Mom I know it you. Your name pops up when you text me.

Whatever just come home


"Ok, I don't know if my mom is mad or if she is serious. Maybe she's both?"
"Beats me."
"I gotta go. You could come with me if you want." I offered.
"Um, I'm good. I think I have to prevent Cyd from being scarred for life."
"Good luck. Bye."
"Bye." I walked up the steps and out the back door. I got my bike and started to walk it through the sand. Once I made it to the asphalt, I got onto my bike and started riding it. It was starting to get dark outside so I had to make it home quickly. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to see where I was going. I walked into my house. It was eerily quiet.
"Mom? Dad? Anyone?" I asked.
"Shh! Don't make a sound!" I heard someone whisper. That someone was Kaitlyn.
"Kaitlyn, where are you?" No answer.
"I know your here. Now, come out!" I saw my sister walk down the stairs.
"Who else is here?"
"No one." She answered immediately.
"Really? Are you sure about that? If no one else is here...I hope you won't mind if I blurt out some embarrassing secrets of yours. Like that time when you-"
"No! I'll tell you who's here!" She yelled.
"Well, who?"
"Um...funny story, I may or may not have totally exposed my secret to this kid at my school..." she confessed.
"Mom is going to be mad!" I said.
"Well, I was kinda hoping you wouldn't tell mom."
"For a price."
"A month worth of art supplies?"
"If you won't tell mom, then yes."
"We will start in January." She said.
"Idiot, I would've if accepted a sketchbook."
"I wan-"
"To late! Copics it is." I taunted. She sighed and was probably thinking how bad this mistake was. All I knew was that I lucked out. Thirty-one, $8, alcohol markers. All for free.
Hey guys! The next chapter will either be a flashback or a short rant. You will find out the person that found out Kaitlyn's secret and by the end of this book all (or most) of your questions will be answered. I hope you liked this chapter and thanks for reading.

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