Chapter 5

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15 days until Christmas 🎄

We walked up to the car and started to drive home. Within minutes, Hannah was asleep in the back seat. I remembered that I had to text Mrs. Barezzi and tell her I couldn't babysit. She had three daughters, one of which is my age. She couldn't babysit though because she had to go to a rock climbing competition. Her two sisters, Sarah and Ellie were my "number one clients" as I like to say. Sarah was in second grade and was 7 years old. Ellie was 9 and was in fourth grade. Trust me, I had to break up fights, bandage cuts, and a ton of other stuff that made those sisters go mad. Scary, I know. That made me remember the time when they first met Luke. That was awkward, very awkward.

September 2, 2016

"Graggh!" Sarah screamed as she lunged toward Ellie. We play this game where Sarah is the Ravenous Beast and she tries to attack you. We were jumping around on the trampoline. I kept my socks on but had to avoid the water streaming down into the center of the trampoline. I mean, who can stand wet socks?
"Once we were somewhere and this kids little brother was so disgusting. Like, his pants were wet and the maintenance guy asked if he spilled lemonade on it. The kids brother said that he made the lemonade,"
"So, he peed himself?" I asked.
"Yeah, it was disgusting!" Ellie exclaimed. I nodded in agreement.
"We're in the back!" I yelled. I knew someone was knocking on the front door. Mainly because of how loud their door was and how strong the first knock was. I saw Luke come to the back.
"Mhmm." I replied. I saw Ellie and Sarah smiling at me.
"Who's that?" They both asked.
"No one, just a friend."
"Boyfriend , you mean." Sarah said.
"Boyfrie-" I knew they'd keep taunting and they were seriously getting annoying. Thank god I'm being payed 20 bucks an hour. I know, they love me.
"Yes! Luke is my boyfriend now be quiet!" I exclaimed.
"Heidi and Luke sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G,"
"No, no, no. Go inside, I'll be right behind you." They shrugged and sprinted inside.
"Sorry, they are crazy. Speaking of, I probably shouldn't leave them alone for more 2 minutes. Talk quickly!"
"Um, Briar wanted me to tell you that she's expecting you to be at auditions."
"Oh, right." I groaned. I heard screaming inside.
"I'll let you go. Don't want you to not get paid"
"Bye." I ran into the house to see Sarah in a chokehold.
"Let go of your little sister, NOW!" Ellie dropped her on the floor. I sighed and got an ice pack out of the freezer.
"Ellie, room, now!" I said pointing toward the steps. She moaned and shuffled up the stairs.
"Oh, Sarah. Hold the ice pack wherever it hurts." I said as I wrapped it in a towel. I handed her the wrapped ice pack and she put it on her hip.
"Now sit there for 10-20 minutes and you'll be fine. Here, watch some TV." I said as I turned it on. I put on "Every Witch Way," knowing that she loved that show. I walked up the steps. Time to talk to a child about their mistake. The worst part of this job. Well, it has to be done.
Yeah, this chapters bad but whatever. I just needed a filler chapter and couldn't think of a single idea. Yeah, it's stupid, I know. Hopefully the next one will be better. Well, I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading.

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