Chapter 18

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October 30, 2014

"Brayden, we are seriously doing this?" He nodded.
"It's gonna be fun. It can't do too much harm. Like, it's not like they're gonna actually summon a real demon. Plus, my siblings and I have used the ouija board before. We even did it once." Brayden explained.
"Fine, and how are we gonna get Heidi and Briar to touch a ouija board?" I asked.
"Briar never steps down from a dare and Heidi will do it with Briar. She'll convince her." I nodded. That's true. I've even seen Briar go a day without her phone when she was dared to. And I've seen Heidi do it with her because Briar told her so. So, it all evens out.
"Let's go. Do you know where they live?"
"Yeah, Briar texted me. She said they got bored and went to the graveyard to try out a spirit box."
"They can't do it in the graveyard, it's one of the number one rules." We started walking to the graveyard. It's not creepy since it's daytime.
"Ohmygod! Did you freaking hear that!? It said 'You know you shouldn't do a ouija board in a graveyard!' We don't even have-oh." Briar and Heidi exclaimed.
"You guys wanna try it? Brayden and I did it." Heidi immediately shook her head.
"Not really, no." Briar replied.
"I dare you to." Brayden chimed in.
"Mm, Heidi we have to! I do not step down from a dare. You have to do it with me, trust me, nothing will happen. It'll be alright. It's not like we are gonna get possessed or anything. Please Heidi." Briar begged.
"Fine! If anything happens, it on you though."
"Deal. Ok, we'll do it. Hand over the board." I gave it to her.
"Um, you should do it at my house. You aren't supposed to be doing it here." Brayden said.
"Let's go then." The four of us started walking to Brayden's house. We walked into his house and sat down.
"We are gonna leave you alone-"
"Wait we're doing this by ourselves?!" Heidi practically screamed. Brayden and I nodded. Her face went pale.
"Screw this, in leaving." Briar grabbed her arm and pulled her down.
"Just do it, we'll be out back." Brayden said. Except instead of leaving, we just went into the other room. Brayden made his brother rig the furniture. I don't know, it's something to do with remote controls and lots of fishing line. Lots. We could hear Briar doing all the talking in the other room. Brayden I looked at each other and nodded. He clicked one of the buttons on the remote and the couch slowly moved to the right.
"Briar, please! Stop the game!" Heidi pleaded. I'm guessing she didn't because she kept talking. I pulled the fishing line and the lamp fell over. Brayden shook the bookcase and made a pile of books tumble into the floor. There were two ear piercing screams from the other room. We were cracking up.
"Grand finale?" He asked.
"Grand finale." He pushed the biggest button; causing the the fire place light up with a giant roaring flame. I pulled a bunch of fishing lines. There were books that fell and a glass vase shattered.
"I'm to young to die! I just bought a $500 pair of shoes!" Briar screamed.
"I told you this was a terrible idea! Now we're gonna get possessed because of you!" Heidi cried.
"I had to steal my moms credit card and everything! I ordered them and made it look like nothing came! It was hard! A-and I never wore them and I am gonna miss my favorite shoes." They were both crying uncontrollably. Brayden shook the bookcase a little bit and they ran screaming from the house. Well, of course after ending the session.
"O-oh my god, d-did you see them?!" Brayden coughed out. He could barely talk from laughing so hard.
"Y-yeah they w-were like, 'We're gonna die! Aahhh!'" I wheezed.
"We should probably calm them down, shouldn't we?" Brayden asked.
This is an idea that Ivyoakleigh and I came up with at lunch. Of course I had to add things and change things to make it a chapter but it was mainly the same. I hope you liked this and thanks for reading.

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