Chapter 12

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Christmas was fun. Like, we were out until, like, 10 at night. Yeah, my mom wasn't to happy that I missed Christmas dinner. Well, that was 3 days ago! Who cares?! She's just gotta learn, when teens party, we party hard. I was on the couch-like normal-and was experimenting with my new art supplies when there was a knock at my door. I went to go answer it and there was Luke.
"Yes," I began.
"So, you know what happened to your mom, right?" I nodded.
"Turns out it has been happening to a bunch of mermaids. Actually, more like nearly half the population."
"What?! Half the population. Soon this is gonna be like the plague that hit Europe in the dark ages. This is some sort of epidemic!" I yelled. He nodded in agreement.
"Worst part is, the affected and the mers that weren't affected are arguing. If this keeps going on, there will be another war." He said.
"What are they arguing about?" I asked.
"I think whether if they should erase the memories of the affected mers." Luke replied.
"Hmm, how do you know this?" I questioned.
"I have a friend who's parents are in The Council." He said. I shrugged.
"That's all he could find out though." He said. This was a big problem. If we couldn't find out the cause and stop this, we might as well say goodbye to every mer out there.
Short chapter, I know. I am kinda gonna rush through this book for reasons. I know I shouldn't, but o am really behind schedule on this book. I still need to write this one, the next book, my Fallen Angel book, and Waiting by the Ocean Shore book. Maybe another book o came up with too. With my ghost book on the side. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. The next chapter will hopefully be out sometime today or tomorrow.

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