Chapter 9

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1 day until Christmas 🎄

I heard murmuring from outside the cave. I better go, or I could become sushi. I never heard that voice before either. It sounded sinister. I dove under and swam out of the cave as quick as I could. This was important. Based on the data I've gathered, I have determined that this situation was very, very, bad. I've learned these types of things from my father and Ariel, also a bit from Kitty. Wait, maybe I should hang around for a bit longer. It wouldn't hurt, would it? Maybe I'll just transform into a human. I transformed. I was on the little ledge thing outside the cave, that's how. Obviously, if I was still in the water I'd still have a tail. So, yeah. Yes, my clothes were soaked, and yes, my phone was in an airtight plastic bag. I listened into the conversation.
"Now, you are going to tell me what I want to know," the person started. I peeked inside the cave. Hmm, she's on the phone.
"I know that! Doesn't everyone?" She snapped. There was some mumbling on the other line.
"Look, Blondie,"
Hey, that's my nickname for Luke. What a coincidence!
"I know, I know. Just, don't screw up or you know what the consequences is." She hung up. Who's on the other line? Then of course, the "unthinkable" happens. My stupid alarm goes off! You just hear, "I wanna be in the room where it happens, the room where it happens, the room where it happens..." playing at the loudest volume. I fumbled to get my phone. I turned it off , but the mermaid immediately became alert. I turned back into a mermaid and swam away back to the beach. Hopefully she didn't see me. There's a 99.99% chance she did, but hopefully she didn't. I pulled myself out of the water and transformed into a human for a second time.
"Where were you?"
"No where, Luke. Have you ever been taught to not be so nosy?" I asked, continuing to ring out my clothes.
"You shouldn't be the one talking." He commented. I glared at him.
"Now really, where were you?" He repeated.
"The cave, now will you stop bugging me?" I stood up and started walking, he walked beside me.
"I know you aren't telling me everything." I rolled my eyes.
"Fine, I was at the cave for training. Do I need to spell it out for you? T-R-A-I-N-I-N-G. Training."
"Wow, why are you so sassy today?" He said with a smirk on his face.
"Because I'm stressed! There is this freaking scary drawing thing, this growing black mark, two creepy engravings, and to top it off, an evil mermaid who possibly knows I was spying on her!" I exclaimed. I covered my mouth.
"I knew I'd get it out of ya." He said nudging me. I groaned and rolled my eyes. I continued walking as he talked about something. Probably football, I'm obviously not paying attention. I walked to my house.
"Do you wanna come over or..." I asked.
"Nah, I am starving and it look like someone needs you." He said as he pointed toward the window.
"Ok, bye."
"Bye." I looked at where he was pointing and saw Kaitlyn. She was "patiently" waiting inside. She had her arms crossed, her feet were in that pose that people do-basically she looked like a mom that was very annoyed. I walked inside and plopped onto the sofa.
"What's so important that you do 'the mom stance?'" I asked.
"So, you know how I was killed by a hit and run thingy." I nodded.
"Well, I just thought about it, but did you ever find out who killed me?" She asked.
"Uh, no. We mourned over your death for a month or two and got over it." I said as I turned on the latest episode of "Bitten." She looked offended, very offended.
"How dare you? One, you don't find out who killed me, two, you only mourn over my death for a month?! A month!"
"I am very disappointed and hurt from this news. Don't expect me to do anything for you ever again." She stormed off and stomped up the steps.
"Teenagers." I mumbled to myself. Looks like 13 is a bad year for at least two of the Plinoth sisters. I heard my dad walking up the steps very quietly for some reason. Normally, you can here him from a mile away, not today though.
"Dad, why are you tiptoeing up the steps?"
"If your mother hears me she will start clinging to me. Why do think I'm in the basement?"
"Oh, so you aren't doing police business?" I asked.
"Yes and no. I am but at the same time I am binge watching NCIS, Law and Order, and CSI: Miami." I shrugged.
"I'm just up here to get food."
"If you want chips, go to the store. Mom already ate 5 bags." He looked in the pantry and took out his pretzel sticks.
"I was never here." He whispered as he walked backwards down the steps. He's gonna fall, no doubt. Not much later I hear a thump.
"I'm ok." He yelled. I continued watching the television. Basically, the rest of the day was super boring. After a few episodes of "Bitten" I decided to do something productive. I went upstairs and into my art studio. I stopped outside of Hannah's door before I went into my room though.
"Are you freaking kidding me?! Arrgh!" I heard from inside. I peeked through the door to see her wresting with some string.
"What are you doing?" I asked as I walked in.
"Doing a stupid project for school. Out of all the days, mom couldn't of transferred me to Sweetwater Middle after the stupid sewing unit." She complained.
"Guess not. What are you making, anyway?" She shot me a quick glare.
"I'm trying to make a sock monkey,"
"T-that's a sock monkey?! I thought it was a...deformed, colorful, very badly made, very big or zoomed in, piece of dirt."
"At least I'm trying." She huffed.
"Hey, why don't you just use my old project?"
"Isn't that...cheating?" She asked.
"No, just a shortcut." I replied. After a few seconds to think about it, she gave me an answer.
"I guess, but won't Mr. Cann notice?"
"I had Mrs. Cray. Why is that guy teaching, he hates FACS and just sewing in general."
"Mrs. Cray fell off of her horse and broke her arm and leg...then was trampled. She needs surgery on her leg and they had no subs."
"Ouch." I went to get the stuffed animal off my bed and handed it to Hannah.
"Just, don't ruin it. Mom will become suspicious if you do." She gave me a thumbs up. I walked out of her room and went into my room. I then went up those stairs and saw my art studio. It was pretty small. All it had was a desk and some shelves and other storage compartments. I sat down at my desk and pulled out my latest project. Then, I turned on "One Last Time" from Hamilton. Greatest. Musical. Ever. I also had a small TV but that's not meant for today. I started tracing my drawing with my Micron pen. Trust me, this is very abnormal for me. I never color or trace my work. I'm only doing this because it's part of Briar's gift. The other part is a $50 gift card to her favorite shoe store. Yeah, we spend lots of time and money on each other. I did all this last minute. Literally, Christmas is in one day. Yep, it's Christmas Eve. I was almost done tracing; one detail away from going to the coloring stage. Then, BAM! My two dogs ran right into me! Therefore, making my hand go right across the paper. Well, crap.
"Lassie, Jules, you gotta be kidding me! Couldn't you have waited ten seconds?!" I scolded. They whimpered and gave me the puppy eyes.
"Aw, who can resist that? Come here!" I petted them. Hey, who can stay mad at a dog? I looked back at the picture.
"Maybe I can blend it in with the picture." This was gonna be a challenge. I took out my copics and my micron pen...again. Ok, let's turn this line into a...Christmas tree. A very big Christmas tree. Within 3 minutes I was done. And I was mad at my dogs. I started coloring. This might take a while.
Happy early Christmas or Happy Hanukkah and other happy holidays. I might update a special flashback Christmas chapter tomorrow. Yeah, so the thing with the dogs, my dog normally does this to me. Now you know the mystery of why I don't color my drawings. I also did Hamilton because I was listening to it while I was writing. So great, I know. Lastly, read peachy_mermaid book "Golden Scale." She is trying to get 50 reads. Read it. If you don't, Nathan Hale and Alexander Hamilton will frown upon you. For shame. Ok, have a good day. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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