Chapter Two

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  I frowned as I stuffed the homework frantically in my locker, shutting it. I get ready to go home.

I met up with Rob on my way out, ignoring the stares and giggles on the way. I rolled my eyes, you would've thought they'd be over it, the way gossip spreads and dies so quickly.

  Rob turned to me, his blonde hair dangling over his forehead. "Do you want to hang out tonight? Maybe catch a movie or something?" He offered, shyly, looking down at his feet.

  I slouched, "I really have to get this essay done tonight, I'm so sorry, rain-check?" I offered, with a gentle smile.

  He nodded slowly, tilting his head as he glanced up at me. "Yeah, I have some homework as well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then, Gabby." He smiled stiffly, before sauntering off.

  "Bye, Rob!" I called after him.

  Without a second thought, I dashed off towards the bus stop.

Halfway through the ride, it started pouring down, the rain clattered against the roof of the bus trickling down the windows. Soon enough I arrived home, as it was winter it was practically dark when I got to the house.

  Our house was at the edge of the road, it was quite a small house, two stories tall, painted white with cracks trailing up the sides, indicating it was ageing.

  I felt the icy cold wind tickled my neck as I glanced at the house next door, shivering.

  The house next to us was known around the town to be 'haunted' and rumour had it that there was a double-murder-suicide that occurred, and that's the reason it was never sold again. I could only guess that the house's rickety, dilapidated structure only further promoted the reputation it upheld.

  And that was only rumours, plus I had lived next to that house for all my life, and not once heard anything extremely out of the ordinary, the few odd sounds here and there, but nothing not to be expected. Especially around Halloween, when other teens would dare each other to spend the night.

  With all of this in mind, pathetically, I still couldn't help but shuffle quickly past it and straight home.

  I exhaled a breath of relief as I rested my back against the door. A simple silence greeted me, my dad normally stayed late at the church, in case anyone came to speak with him or acquired guidance, so I was used to being alone most of the time. I had grown comforted to it, in a way.

I threw the keys onto the cabinet to the side, shrugging off my boots and jacket. I immediately tossed a frozen pizza into the microwave and set it.

Trekking up to my room on the second floor, I dumped my phone on my double bed and changed into more comfortable clothes.

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Munching on the delectable pizza, I scribbled down the last few sentences.

That's when I heard it.

Frantically, I jumped out of my skin. My pen flying across the room at chaotic speed, and bounced off a picture placed on my dressing table.

I pulled my lips together. Glancing cautiously at the precious photo, to see if it was damaged.

It was a photo of my mother and father in front of the church, my mother back then looked to be the striking resemblance of me now. With her long brown hair and deep blue eyes. They looked ecstatic, my mother supporting a bodacious grin that took up most of her face and looked to be uncontrollable, my dad did too.

  When my dad speaks about this photo he always looks so happy, this was the first photo they took as soon as they bought the church. I always feel so inspired when I look at it, knowing that they achieved so much.

  I placed it back down after realising nothing had cracked, and wrapped myself up in a blanket before creeping over to the window. Shifting the curtains slightly, I peered at the house next door, looking down at the dilapidated entrance.

  I'm pretty sure if anyone saw me right now they would think E.T never returned home.

  I watched to see any movement, and was relieved when it looked just as normal as usual.

   But then a shadow leapt through the broken window on the bottom floor, turning its head slightly into the moonlight, revealing a face.

  And that was anything but usual.

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