Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Don't forget to send in some book covers! They'll be featured in the chapters to come! Carry on sending them in, with your username and I'll definitely throw them in!

Thank you @Aye_Love for your amazing book covers, I really loved this one, it's so cute!

Anyways, here's the chapter...


Wrapping my arms tighter around my body, I sped up my pace to match his. "She hasn't been in for ages." He stated, mimicking my actions to shield himself from the onslaught of bitter frost.

"Maybe she's ill." I shrugged, "Have you done anything to upset her?"

Rob stopped his walking, "Why do you assume it me? Last time I checked she didn't answer your messages either?" He replied, throwing me a teasing look. "Besides, you saw her last."

I continued walking, we were almost at my house. "Maybe she wants an apology." Neither Rob nor I had seen or heard from Andrea in the past week or so, it was stranger than strange. Since that night that we spent together, it was as though she had completely disappeared. She wasn't in school, and she didn't reply to any of our messages.

"I didn't ignore her. Only you."

I rolled my eyes, a small chuckle escaping me. It had been nice, between Rob and I, it was as if nothing had ever happened, no fight, no shouting and no awkwardness. We were back to normal between us.

I pulled out my keys from my leather jacket's pocket and opened the door. It took a while for us to walk back to my place, Rob complaining all the way about how he desperately needed a car so we didn't have to walk anywhere anymore. He kept nattering on about how his dad's truck was playing up and they had to take it to the repair garage a dozen times this week alone. Something about spark plugs and gasoline. Basically, resulting in us walking literally everywhere.

Adam was back in school the past week and I doubt that he remembered a single thing from the day we spent together. He would do the same creepy-watching-thing he always used to, just from a safe distance. We didn't talk; with me trying to avoid eye-contact at every possible living moment, it was back to normal with us.

Well, as normal as it could get.

Throwing my bag down on the floor, I switched on the lights. Walking back from school took around an hour, with the addition of us staying late studying for finals, it was pretty dark outside.

"I mean do we even know where she lives." I sighed, I normally wasn't one to pry but we were both getting pretty worried.

Rob thought for a moment, "I've seen her on the rich side of town once or twice, but I don't know where exactly."

We both moved up to my room, I shrugged off my jacket somewhere along the way.

Business wise, the church was going downhill, fast. My father spent most of his nights there, helping the people who were truly struggling with the battling lawsuit our church was facing. For a lot of people it was all they knew. And to see it tumbling so quickly, I feared we would lose the demolition battle.

I went to close the curtains, but a light dazzled in my eye, flashing. It was definitely some sort of signal. My heart pounded, as I saw a torch flicker in the abandoned house, my mind instantly racing to Adam.

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