Chapter Thirty-Two

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It's been about 6 months. 6 whole freaking months. THATS HALF A YEAR!

And I'm absolutely gutted with myself, I'm so very sorry for disappearing  into thin air and not contacting anyone for so long... For a long time I've been debating on whether even continuing this story and where it's going, but I know I can't let you guys down and seeing the massive amounts of support and love you guys give me on a daily basis, I could never do that to you.

I can only express the amount of gratitude and thanks I hold for you guys in one way only.

I love you guys so much, and all the kindness you've shown me has been taken into my heart.

Thank you so much



  A deep and deafening silence engulfed every inch of the room, a deep aching silence. Adam had turned away, not sparing me a single glance since he had finished speaking.

  I wanted to reach out to him, I wanted to hug him, tell him that it was a stupid drunken mistake and that everything would be okay but no words would leave my mouth.I couldn't think of a single word that could possibly make anything that had happened okay, because truly, it wasn't

  None of what had happened was okay, or fine, or changeable. It was stupid.

  But it was a mistake that was clearly hanging over his shoulders, from the crease between his eyebrows, to his rigid, tense shoulders. I wondered how oblivious I had been, it was clear something was bothering him.

  Just as I had mustered up the courage to say another word, Adam interjected, his voice sore and husky. Not moving an inch from where he sat, he kept his eyes cast down.

  "Everett Romano is the leader of the Undergrounds, he's the top dog. He runs a lot more, and even I don't know the most of it." He paused, furrowing his dark eyebrows and slumping his shoulders slightly, "Everett made a deal with me back in Juvie. I had fucked him over royally back then but still, he made a deal with me."

  I was about to ask, but Adam was already speaking by the time I had even opened my mouth.

  "But now, he's under the impression that I've fucked him over again."

  For he first time, he meets my gaze. "Remember that night, I came to yours, all bloody and shit." I nodded in a silent response, "I told you about the fight getting ugly, I went down in the last round." He didn't wait for me to respond.

  "Well, Romano believes I purposefully went down when the fight got ugly. He thinks that I've stabbed him in the back. A lot of people didn't get their betting money. And he's in deep shit, because of that one fight."

  I frowned, "What's going to happ-"

  Adam placed his finger to my lips, shushing me. "I'm not worried, and neither should you be. I'll sort it all out, I'm going to explain that this is all one massive fuck up."

  Shaking my head, I glanced up at him as he removed his finger from my lips. "How can you be so sure."

  He threw me a look, but before any words left his mouth the door across the room flew open. A woman with strikingly blonde, chopped short, hair burst in gleefully. A beaming smile etched onto her face, she stared at us momentarily before a radiant glow twinkled in her eyes, oblivious to the tense aura hanging in the room.

  "You must be Gabrielle!" She burst, rushing over to where we sat, "I'm Theresa, I've made breakfast for the two of you," She began pulling me up to my feet and ushering Adam to do so too. "Come down and I'll get the plates warmed up--"

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