Chapter 7

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"You continuously try me!" Andre growled as I got out the shower. "Where have you been? And why aren't you working at the club?"

"I got a new job," I answered him with a stale face.

"Who the fuck told you that you could do that?!" He got in my face with his pupils big as ever.

"I did," I responded. "I'm a grown ass woman who pays all my bills on time and you can't tell me what job to take or not to take," he stared at me for while then laughed.

"You must think this is a goddamn movie," he laughed. He turned around to walk into the room but turn to face me again. "I don't know who is fucking you and giving you all this confidence but it won't last long," he pulled out a gun and aimed it at me.

"You're not going to kill me," I said with my head high but on the inside I wanted to break down and cry.

"And whys that? Rico? I don't give a fuck about him!" He said and my mouth dropped. Rico is the reason he's alive right now. In a hour or two Reno should be here, on Dro's orders.

"Because I'm pregnant," I told him and his face dropped.

"Like I said, I don't give a fuck!" He yelled. I saw his finger move towards the trigger and I ducked as a shot rang out. I scrambled to the counter where my towel and phone is. I grabbed them both and opened my phone without any security codes because Andre doesn't allow them.

"Who you calling? The police? We'll both be dead before that happens," he laughed.

Reno didn't answer his phone and neither did Dro. I dialed 911 but didn't call, I didn't want to call the police because I know that Reno would be here soon and I don't want him to get caught up. They don't do well with snitches.

"Andre why do you hate me?" I screamed as he hovered over me.

"I love you and that's why I'm doing this because you're mine and no one else's," he softly said. This nigga has completely lost any type of sense that his brain was holding onto.

"I'm only yours," I said which isn't a lie. "Give me the gun,"

"Get yo ass in the room," he demanded then he began muttering in Spanish. I walked in front of him with the cold gun against my skin. "Who bandaged you?"

"I did," I lied. If I told him anyone saw me naked he'd probably kill me right now. I'm trying to stall long enough but it's not working.

He pushed me into the bed and forced my legs open as the gun kissed my temple. His grunting and the gun against my head made me want to throw up.

"What the fuck are you crying for?" He yelled and then punched me in my stomach. I gasped for air but couldn't bring any into my lungs. My arms wrapped around my stomach but he repeated his punches with my hands over my stomach.

"Andre I'm pregnant!" I screamed and tried to get away. Is God punishing me for my thoughts earlier? No, God wouldn't allow this.

"I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck," he accented every word as he pushed himself into me. His release is approaching, his eyes closed and his fingers let go of the gun to wrap themselves around my neck. I slowly grabbed the gun and pushed my index finger onto the trigger.




I screamed as I heard the gun go off. Hot, wet liquid poured all over my body as he slumped onto me. I opened my eyes to see his now dull blue ones staring at me.

"Oh my God, Oh my God," I whispered to myself. I just killed a man. My baby daddy. I just killed my abuser. I pushed him off of me and ran into the bathroom for my phone. Three missed calls from Reno.

"Grace?" He asked.

"I killed him, I killed him," I quickly said.

"Killed who?" He asked with alarm in his voice.

"Andre! I just killed him," my fingers covered my forehead as I sobbed, only to feel his hot blood smeared onto my face.

"I'm almost there!" Reno said. I heard long Italian sentences. "Thank God the cops aren't here yet,"

"You're here?" I asked. Knocking on my front door made me hang up the phone. I don't know why I hung up but my heart started to race and I slowly walked to the door, grabbing the gun on my way there.

The peephole is covered and I began shaking. I unlocked the door with the gun pointing at it. It swung open to reveal Dro.

"Put the gun down," he said and I gently put it on the floor. Sitting next to it, I began sobbing quietly. I just killed someone. His blue eyes staring at me played over and over again in my head. Dro walked into the room and laughed a very sarcastic laugh.

"Why is he naked?" He asked me with no humor left in his voice. His type of bipolar changes within seconds.

"He was- he-he," I stopped talking as my body shook. Andre's blood now all over my naked body. My bloody fingers poked at my belly a few times.

"He raped you?" Dro asked.

"It wouldn't be the first," I shrugged. He stared at me then jumped.

"There's blood coming out of you," his voice sounded alarmed. This is the first time I've ever heard it on him. I looked down to see blood pouring out of me and a small black blood clot came out, the size of a seed.

"My baby," I whispered. I know for a fact that, it's my baby. "My baby!" I screamed. Everything is just tumbling down on me at one time and I don't know if I can take it anymore.

The gun just seemed to be magnetically drawn to me hand and soon to my head.

"Put the gun down," Dro softly said. "It's okay,"

"Leave me alone! Go back to your life, you got what you wanted!" I yelled. "Andre is dead and soon I am too,"

"No one wants you dead," he said and I cried. "Think about Rico," he stood next to me now.

"Leave my son out of this," I cried. I gave him the gun, I'm defeated. My body is tired, my mind is exhausted, my soul is broken. "I give up," I said. Dro picked me up and carried me out the front door. My neighbors stood watching with sad written on their faces.

"That poor girl doesn't deserve that," one said.

"I hope he was the one who got shot," another said. I can tell that they think I'm dead because I honestly look dead.

"Boss," I heard Reno say. I didn't even move to acknowledge him. I just stared.

"Take her, call the Sponges," Dro said to Reno.

"Hey," Reno said. The fact that I'm naked is not a big deal to me. Nothing matters to me. I didn't answer him so he pulled out his phone and made a call. We got in the SUV and pulled off. The whole ride I laid on Reno's lap because that's how I was handed to him.

I feel like an oversized new born. My eyes began closing as bumps in the road shifted my body. Everything around me got dark as I slipped into a deep sleep.

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