Chapter 10

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Some may get confused as to where I'm heading with this chapter, some may say it's too Wattpad cliché but you'll understand later on.
Aaaaaannnndddd Happy New Year!!!

"What'd you do?" I ask Dro as I got into the all black SUV.

"When you first see someone, you greet them," he said while typing on his phone.

"How'd you make it look like a suicide?" I asked again, ignoring his lesson on mannerisms.

"Doesn't matter, just go along with it and shut up," Dro looked at me and I wanted to hug him. A huge smile grew on my face as I thought about me not having to go to prison.

"Thank you," I said and then sat back in the seat.

"Here," he handed me a sleek black phone. "That shitty ass phone won't allow me to have certain access to you, this iPhone will," I stared at the phone and then sighed. I played with it for a little while then dropped it in my pocket.

"Is this only for business?" I asked.

"No, it's your phone," Dro said and then the SUV stopped. "Why'd we stop?" He asked. There was no answer. I looked to the front to see the driver slumped over.

"Mr. Columbo he's either dead or unconscious," I panicked.

"Here," he handed me a cold gun and I panicked. I don't want to have to do this again. "Get down and stay right there until I tell you so, I don't care how much trouble I'm in. Stay down, okay?" I nodded and we waited for a while.

Next thing you know, I hear gunshots and tires squealing. "Alessandro," someone sang. Something scraped against the car and I remained ducked down.

"Call Reno," Dro whispered to me then got up and got out of the car. What the hell is he doing?

The phone rang and Reno's deep voice answered. "We need help," I quickly said then hung up. How is he supposed to find me? I can't give him my location because I don't know where I am.

"You still look so beautiful," I heard a female voice say. Dro didn't say anything except chuckle.

"What do you want Clara?" His thick accent rolled off of every word. I felt the iPhone vibrate in my pocket, I took it out to see Reno's name already saved in it.

He texted me saying, "Send location," I looked at the phone with confusion written on my face. I have no idea how to do that. I played with it and soon saw 'send current location'. I clicked on it and it sent to him. I'm used to my cheap MetroPCS phone, not this new and advanced phone.

"You know what I want," the lady said. "You killed my husband and now there's word that you were involved with my godsons murder," her tone of voice changed. Godsons murder? Murdered her husband?

"Andre Rodriguez is your godson?" Dro laughed. "I didn't kill him, either crack did or he did it himself,"

"You expect me to believe that? Alessandro-"

"Don't call me that," his voice sounded harsh.

"Alessandro," she continued. "I feel like you have it out for me,"

"I have it out for you? Bitch, your husband had it coming, and that godson of yours? Looks beautiful cold," Dro teased. I heard clicking, which sounded like guns. "Go ahead and shoot me, I have nothing to live for,"

"I made sure of it, the girl was a beauty," I heard Clara say before gunshots went off. It went on for about three minutes and all I can think about is if Dro is okay. I remained hidden because that's what I was instructed but I really want to go check on him.

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