Chapter 17

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I woke up in the arms of Alessandro Columbo. It didn't bother me or startle me, in fact it felt like somewhere I belonged. He laid watching tv and by the time he realized I was awake he just smirked.

I didn't say anything because I know my breath is kicking. I tried to get up to go brush my teeth, emphasis on tried. His long arms held me down then his sparkling brown eyes met mine.

"Why're you trying to get up?" He asked.

"I'm going to brush my teeth," I mumbled and he laughed.

"I don't care about that type of shit. Obviously our breaths are going to smell," His face was serious but the look in his eyes told a different story, he looks happy.

"I do," I muttered then got up and headed for the door.

"Well I'm following," He tried to get up but yelled out in pain. I quickly ran over to him and touched his bandages. "I forgot about this,"

"How could you forget about it? You've been awake longer than I have," I asked with widen eyes.

He shrugged. "Yeah but then you woke up and I wanted to be around you,"

"Oh," I breathed out. 

"It sounds cliché, I know," He chuckled to himself then wiped his face. "I feel like I'm being stupid or lame and it's making me mad. That's another reason why I act 'bipolar', so-"

"No!" I quickly said then I laughed. "I didn't mean to yell. But I don't want you to feel like you're being stupid or lame, I don't want you to get mad. I actually like it. I just don't know how to respond because I feel-"

"Lame or stupid," He cut me off and laughed. I joined him in laughter and nodded my head.

"Exactly," I sat next to him on the bed. I just realized that neither of us brushed our teeth and we're doing the one thing that I was trying to prevent.

"Still wanna brush your teeth?" He joked and I laughed.

"Yes I do," I stood up and patted his shoulder. "I'll be back to help you do the same,"

"Don't take too long," He shouted as I left out of the room. I went into the room that I occupy. I don't really consider it mine, I don't know why. The light in the bathroom made me see myself better, and I have to admit that I really do look happy.

"Lets see how long his happiness lasts," I spoke to myself. Dro will be happy and kind to me one day then the next he's ignoring, then he'll apologize for being that way. It's a cycle of playing with my feelings.

I grabbed the toothbrush to put toothpaste on it, and started brushing my teeth and tongue. After I brush my teeth, I'm going to walk back into his room and demand him to act on his feelings towards me. He doesn't need to be scared to like me, even if being with him is holding death over my head.
Play the song here :).

"Dro," I said as I entered his room with my mouth feeling minty fresh.

"Help me up," He grunted as he tried to sit up. I helped him stand and walk to the bathroom. "I want to shower,"

"Do you need my help?" My heart sped up at the thought of seeing him fully naked. He gave me a look as if to say 'duh'. "Yeah, that was a stupid question," I laughed it off.

I helped him stand while he brushed his teeth then slowly stripped the clothes he has on, off his body. "You probably have to take a bath, I don't know how the shower thing is going to work," I spoke trying to avoid looking down at his penis.

"Then shower with me, you don't have to get completely naked. Plus, you haven't showered yet," He looked pretty adorable asking me to shower with him. I nodded even though my heart is pounding. I took off my clothes but left my bra and panties on, then helped him in the shower.

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