Chapter 25

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Warning ⚠️ it's a short chapter
Dro's Side of the story:

I stayed silent as the person on the phone spoke. "You think that's it's easy to lay people down time after time? Well now it's your turn," I heard him laugh.

"What the fuck do you want, kid?" I rolled my eyes as if he could see me. I'm getting very irritated with this kid. I've been on the phone with him for about 27 minutes and all he's done is talk shit in my ear but I can't hang up. He brought Grace into this and its bothering me.

"Your love ones dead," He sounded cold. "Starting with that pretty, young thing named Grace. She looks so beautiful cooking... what is that? Oooo! She's Jamaican so I'm guessing curry,"

My hands squeezed my phone tighter. This is exactly what I was afraid of! Getting too close to her and someone uses her as a pawn to piss me off. I need to figure out a way to protect them, it's my fault for letting my feelings get in the way.

"And how cute is her son! Oh man! Are those blue eyes?!" The prick sarcastically exclaimed. "You see? You killed my father first and when my foolish mother tried to ambush you, you killed her. I've been alone for years! My mother too emotionally distraught to pay me mind and an absent father because he was dead,"

"And you're trying to hurt me? You think that by hurting them you're hurting me?" I asked and he was silent. I'm lying out of my teeth right now but I need him to believe it. "She means nothing to me. If you did your research you'd know who to target but you're young ass is too stupid! You look for the first target, oh but you did try my grandfather but he's too protected,"

"You're lying! You love her! You did it!" He screamed.

"I also told your father I wouldn't kill him, but look where he's at," I knew that got to him. The phone line went dead and I took the opportunity to call Reno.

"Boss," He answered the phone.

"Get my place in Philadelphia ready," I said.

"The safe-"

"Yes! Hurry and get it ready. I need a car to my place, I'm ending things with Grace. I have to," I hung up before he could respond then sat on the floor. This might be harder than when my love died, at least I knew that she wasn't going to continue her life without me and potentially someone else make her happy.

After Grace yelling at me, I left. I didn't pack any clothes but I did pack all my favorite weapons. My heart is broken but I'd rather see her alive and living than dead. I looked around my living room if there's anything that I'm forgetting then I see a black bra across the room and laugh. I put it in my luggage and hopped into the car that was waiting for me.

I'm going to kill this bastard and his whole entire family and friends, then get back to Grace.

GraceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang