Chapter 41

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"I'm glad you came back," She smiled at me and I returned one. "Will I see you again soon?" She asked.

"Indeed," I nodded at her then collected my things. I've been seeing Dr. Montoya, the therapist Dro introduced for almost two months now. I wasn't consistent at first, didn't open up like I should've in the beginning but God am I glad I did.

I've been feeling like myself again. In all truth, the best I've ever felt. I just had a lot of things to actually talk about and get the closure to, things from my childhood that affected me in my adulthood.

"Enjoy your trip," She smiled at me and held the door as I walked out of her office. The red heels that laced my feet gave my hips and extra sway. Soon I was met with outside air and the summer New York sun burned my eyes.

"Damn it's hot," I said out loud before I slipped my sunglasses on. The shorts that hugged my body didn't help with the burning of the sun.

"Yes you are," a voice chirped behind me. I was met with big brown eyes and dark smooth skin.

"That's cheesy and rude," I gave him a face that surely showed my disgust. I unlocked the door the my car and held my bag closer to myself.

"I apologize, you are a beautiful woman though," He smiled at me and my legs buckled. His dark skin looked beautiful against his deep blue suit, his honey brown eyes glistening against his perfect smile, and the sun. Huh?

I didn't say anything else to him. Just got into my car and started the engine. "Enjoy your day,"

"Calvin," He smiled. "Calvin Gaines,"

Again, I ignored him and shut the door and quickly locked it. He can no longer see my face, the tints in my windows are too dark for that. I pulled out of the parking lot a little rattled. Who the hell is that man? Introducing himself to me out of nowhere?

I quickly called Alessandro. The phone trilled over my car stereo for less than a second before he picked up.

"Yes love?" His deep voice rang. I can just feel myself hush down below.

"Does the name Calvin Gaines ring a bell to you?" I asked him.

"No?" He sounded confused. "Why what happened?"

I explained everything to him and he groaned. "The man was hitting on you, did you call to brag?"

"I was just making sure," I laughed. "Are you jealous Mr. Colombo?"

"Grace, you know good and damn well I am. He's lucky I couldn't pick you up today or else-," He stopped himself and then I heard whispering.

"Babe?" I asked.

"I have to go, I love you,"

"I lov-," He hung your before I could even finish.


My phone rang and I smirked at the name.

"Yes Shay," I laughed before she even answered because the excitement is flowing out of me.

"BITCH ARE YOU DONE YET?" She yelled which made me laugh even more. "I'm so ready and if you take five minutes longer Reno is going to call me and change his mind," She whined.

Dro, Reno and Tarzan are our biggest enemies. We had to practically beg them to let us have this weekend trip and we can't even leave the state of New York so we chose Hamptons. We're having a bougie weekend at our men's expense.

I don't usually take advantage of Alessandro's money unless it's for the kids or the house. He begs me to go on shopping sprees and claim it's healthy for me, his mother must've told him that one. Either way I haven't indulged like I am about to this weekend, Shay on the other hand I can't speak for her. Poor Reno but trust when I say, he loves her spending money.

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