Chapter 14

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As Dro and I danced to a slow song, he spoke to me. He wants me to talk to the drunk man with the bad hair about some code word Gia. He wants me to study how he answers me about the code word. I have a feeling that the man is going to die tonight.

"Here's your chance," Dro whispered in my ear that rested on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, can I steal her?" Another damn accent. I'm starting to think that I'm in one of those sexy James Bond movies. His accent sounded didn't sound completely European though.

"Sure," Dro faked a smile and the whisky reeled off of the man who took my hands.

"What's your name beautiful?" The whiskey man asked.

"Grace," I smiled at him. This is the role I gave to play, a flirt.

"Well I guess it's amazing Grace that I met you," I cringed at his cheesy pun but I giggled to conceal my disgust.

"What's your name?" I asked as we swayed around. He pulled me closer into him and I quickly looked for my fiancé. Only to see him watching me like a hawk. Good.

"Ryan. And if you are going to ask about my accent," His words slurred. "I'm from South Africa," he smirked. His hot breath made me want to throw up.

"Wow! I bet it's beautiful there," I faked my excitement. His smile grew as we spoke about his country.

"Did you have a girlfriend over there?" I asked and he nodded. "I bet she was beautiful,"

"Not as beautiful as you," His thumb ran across my arm and I shuddered in disgust.

"Thank you RyRy," I smiled. Where the hell am I getting this confidence from? Dro still watched us dance and him watching is feeding my confidence.

"Mmm," He smiled. A faster song came on with a Latin beat blaring through the speakers. "Can you salsa?" He asked and I nodded. Andre has taught me about every single Latin dance there is and whenever his family has parties, we'd be in the center of the dance floor.

"Yes I can," I gently brought myself closer to him. My hips swayed with the instruments as we danced. "Tell me about yourself baby," I cringed at calling him that.

He touched my ring. "Aren't you married to some wanna be rich guy, the blonde Irish?" His head jerked to where a guy who isn't Dro stood.

"But you're who I want," I smiled as he dipped me and my breasts gleamed under the light, thank you coconut oil.

"Well I'm a 27 year old Millionaire," He smirked. So is my fiancé. "I'm single and you're who I like to mingle with,"

I need to speed this up. Being with this creepy, drunk man is not something I want to spend all night doing. So if I'm going to get this information from him then I need him drinker and quick. As soon as I conjured up that thought, a waiter brought what smells like a whiskey to him and he downed it with one gulp.

"That sounds nice," I smiled at him and his eyes drooped even more. "What'd you think my name was when you first saw me?"

"I don't know," his words slurred even more. "I knew it was something angelic," His feet started getting sloppy but he insisted we finished dancing.

"One time, this man thought my name was Gia," I faked a laugh and Ryan's eyes grew big. "Do I look like a Gia?" I asked and he remained quiet.

"Uh," He stuttered. "Who sent you?" He slurred and I made a face.

"No one sent me," I innocently said. "What? Do you know a Gia?"

"It's a code word," The words began pouring out of his mouth. "For when someone in my family kills an important person in a rival family,"

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