Chapter 29

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Tarzan nodded at me for the ok. Grace is safe and that's all that matters to me right now. Getting her to safety was priority, now I can do what I wanted to do. She thinks that we aren't fighting back but we are. I just needed her out of the cross fire.

"Just got the call that all their warehouses are burnt to the ground and all of their businesses," Reno said to me and I nodded. Ryan only knows how to kill and think that's it. I'm going to hit you where it really hurts, in your pockets. Without his businesses, he has no money. He can try to rebuild them but it's going to cost his triple the amount than I'm sure he has.

"We also bought their supplier out," Tarzan smiled. "They don't have anything at this point,"

"Good," I loaded my guns up. "Now we play their game,". Tarzan loves action, he was raised into it. The smile on his face only means one thing and I'm glad he's smiling. He's ready to do some damage.

"You can say it now, Tarzan," I laughed and his face lit up.

"Really? He asked and I laughed. "Autobots! Out!" He proudly said with his automatic in his hand. I bursted out laughing at his confidence then followed his left out of the house.

"Tell them to start," I told Reno as we climbed into the car. As soon as Grace got within two miles of this place, I ordered for everyone shooting at this house to be killed. So now there's just bodies and bodies of men laying on the road. Brains, guts, blood everywhere.

"Better get this cleaned up before the department gets their panties in a bunch. You know they stay out of our affairs but this is a mass homicide," Reno muttered as he drove. Which he is right but I'm already two steps ahead of him.

My phone rang loudly in the silent car. I let it ring for a while then answered. "Hello,"

"You son of a bitch!!!!" Ryan yelled making me smirk.

"What Ryan? You think I'd just let you kill my men and everything would be okay? No. See you're a fucking child and that probably why your father didn't want you taking over after he died. All you can do is kill," I hung up on him and laughed as Reno mimicked him.

"Little does he know," Tarzan laughed as we pulled up to his personal house.

"Who're you here-?" The guard asked then his eyes went big. Reno smirked before pointed the silenced gun at the guard and shot him three times in his chest. Blood oozed out all over the little guard house while Reno pressed the green button to let us in. This is the only security he has? There's no way.

"Clear," Tarzan looked at his phone crazy. "Our guys said they see no guards, not even hidden,"

"This is weird. Either he's very stupid or this is a set up. Watch your backs extra carefully," I told them as we parked. We all hopped out of the car and began scoping out his place. It's a big house but it's boring.
Tarzan jumped on a ledge and pulled himself onto a second floor window.

He played with the window for a while then climbed in. Reno went around back while I simply walked through the front door.  Nothing inside of the house screams unique. But don't worry, I'll decorate it for him. The house was quiet for a while until I heard a gun click.

I slowly turned around to face Ryan. "Fuck!" He whispered as he played with the safety on the gun.

"You wanna kill me?" I asked him and he ignored me. "Here," I tossed him my gun. He looked at me for a while before scrambling for it. "You've threatened my family and my business from afar. You've never been this close to me, huh?"

I took a few steps forward. He pointed my gun at me but I'm not worried about it. I doubt he's brave enough to pull the trigger and if he is, another bullet will enter him. Tarzan may be very quiet when he does things, but so is Reno.

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