let it be.

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She hated being stuck in a hospital room. Watching action movies wasn't as fun as it used to, now that she had been through the whole kidnapping arc herself and time seemed to go away slower than a turtle. There was nothing nice about this, nothing exciting. She was like a prisoner; Meanwhile marcel was out there gloating for his win. The problem for him was of course that she wouldn't give up just yet. If marcel had succeeded in anything by terrorizing her was make her more stubborn then before and she kept thinking all that he said to her about her friends and her unluckiness. Of course, all those thoughts she kept for herself and when the governor or chin came to see her this morning, she'd pretend like there was nothing on her mind than leaving the hospital and getting back to work.
Kono was in the room with her most of the time. She was the only one that didn't ask questions and just tried to distract her, the best company for times like this but she too would have to leave soon and get on 5-0's new case. Steve and Danny were supposed to come and pick her up-
"A balloon for the injured one” said Danny coming in her room. Kono looked up at them, smiling once they arrived.
"I can't believe you made me stop the car for this balloon” complained Steve, following behind him. Amelia grinned when she saw them and took the balloon in her hands, lowering it down and holding it in her arms like it was a doll.
"Aw Danny you are such a sweetheart."
"hey boss!” Kono stood up.
"We uh. brought you your bodyguard” Danny added, opening the door so komakono would join them. As always, he was smiling and carrying a box with food with him.
"Hey sis how you doing? „
Amelia scoffed, shaking her head and looked at Steve. "Seriously Mcgarrett? Because that worked out perfectly last time! „
"I know right, that's-that’s what I said! „
"Would you two just shut up for ones."
"What we do is called human communication- I know you're probably unfamiliar with the term, considering you come from the animal kingdom- all you know is attack and survival"
"Two very important skills, thank you very much."
"Ah yes of course but what about- you know friends"
"Having a life" added Amelia, bouncing the balloon on his chest. "Romance" she said in a French accent, making everyone except Steve laugh.
"Excuse me but I won't take life advice from A) a 30 year old bachelor that lives in a cat box and moved to a place he hates because of his ex wife-which by the way seems to be doing fine with her new fiance and b) a woman that is currently stuck in a hospital bed- now can we please go to the crime scene."
"Trying to avoid the truth I see" sang Amelia making Danny laugh again.
"I like you! I like Her" said Danny while Steve pushed him out of the room.
"Human communication Steve" called Amelia
"Shut up!" He shouted back.

The case the team was on today was a little complicated. A couple's honeymoon was cut short when the husband was killed. Chin, told Amelia all about it when he came to check on her in the afternoon. He said that the husband's mother was suspecting the wife, that she never agreed with her son marrying that girl anyway and that she probably killed him for the money but that Just didn't sit right with Amelia.
"You know that's probably just her being a mean mother in law, right?"
"Its a lot of money Ams."
"No. I think you should look deeper into this. This has happened before. Last year there were murders following the same pattern, where couples were killed on their honeymoon.”
"How do you know this?"
"Before I graduated to field officer, I used to do the paper work. There were many unfinished cases that were hid in files just because the HPD couldn't bother with them at the time."
"Do you know where the files are?"
"I can't remember but Max was the one that did the autopsies for the victims last year so he definitely has Intel on it and probably remembers more than I do."

Chin nodded and smiled. He then looked at komakono that was sleeping like a rock on the couch. He laughed while Amelia hid her face on a pillow. Komakono had fallen asleep 2 hours after Steve left them and he had been snoring the entire time.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Chin reached in his bag and gave her a tablet. Amelia let down the pillow and took it, thanking him.
"what did you need it for?„ he asked curiously.
"Just to play some games...that's all„ she lied.
"Maybe Komakono wants to play too!„ said chin, laughing.
"Doesn't McGarrett have a better bodyguard? At least one that doesn't snore..„ Amelia complained. She took the pillow and threw it at him, in hopes that he would stop but it was useless. The man wouldn't wake up even under a missile attack.
"He didnt even move!" She sighed, getting a comforting pat on the shoulder by chin "you know he brought me shrimps. I went to the toilet for five minutes, came back and he had eaten them all already."
"Ha! Ok how about this? I'll let the others know about what you told me and when we're done with the case I'll come and bring you some nice food."
"Oh God chin you're an angel"
Chin smiled and kissed the top of her head "see you soon sis"

After chin left the room Amelia opened the tablet and logged in her HPD user. She typed and started searching for McGarrett file. According to Danny he had already looked on her files so it was only fair she took a look at his.

Hawaii Five-O: Radioactiveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें