Chasing tides

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There's no doubt the beauty that we see,
Following the path, so much older than we

After calling him three times with no response, Danny decided to get to Steve's house and talk to him from up close. He knocked on the door with his one hand, holding a file with everything that he had found about Amelia's parents and their murder. He knocked several times before Steve actually got to the door. He was wet and had a blue towel in his hand with which he rubbed his hair, trying to dry it. His was wearing his swimsuit and a simple white shirt. Danny looked at him up and down confused.

"did you have a bath with your clothes on?" he joked, entering the house and leaving the pile of files on Steve's table in the living room and going straight to the kitchen.
"it's called swimming Danny. People do it for fun."
"I see nothing fun about fish biting your legs with their little teeth." Said Danny returning to the living room with two beers.
"you see nothing fun in anything Danny. It's like a Talent you have" Steve got one of the bottles.
"hm...You know what's my other talent? Researching a 20 year cold case for you"
Steve looked at the files "that it?"
"alright, I'm listening. What did you get?"

"you were right" he said sitting on the couch and getting the files. "there are a lot of things that don't make sense in this story." Steve sat next to him "but let's try and take it from the top, maybe you know something I don't" while he spoke he left his beer on the table and took one of the files in his hands. Opening in and leaving two pictures on the table.
"these are her parents. her mother, Jo Wesley was very well known for her skills and efficient way of dealing with suspects. Her father was a police officer, he worked on many cases and helped the HPD a lot. Duke says he was a very kind man but he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted-"
"I guess we know where she gets it from"

"yeah." Danny cleared his throat and took more pictures out of the file. They were both from the night of the murder. In one of the pictures was Jo's body and on the other was Paul's. Danny felt Steve stiffening a little and gave him a quick glance before moving on "they died on January 1993. Amelia was about 10 years old at the time but she was very smart." Danny took a piece of paper out and handed to mcgarrett "this is her statement from that night. For an 10 years old she gave a lot of detail, she made sure to mention things not even a grown up would."
"her parents must have taught her how to observe like a cop."
"yeah that's probably it but there's more. The night of the murder, Amelia was already in her bed when she woke up by the loud noise of the door and a shot gun. She had a cable phone in her bed room and She says that her parents had always told her that if something like this ever happened, she was to stay in her room and call the police as soon as she could-"
"so they were obviously waiting for something like this to happen. I mean who tells that to their kid if they are not expecting an attack?"
"I mean grace knows how to dial 911 but we don't have a cable phone in her room. If that's what you're asking." He sighed and continued with the story "Amelia called the police and she called chin's father too but guess what? She didn't stay in her room. She ran downstairs, her father was already dead, marcel was about to kill her mother too when she got down, she-" Danny stopped, taking a deep breath. This was obviously hard for him "she begged marcel to stop but he didn't. She saw her mother dying in front of her eyes." He clasped his hands together "thankfully HPD got there in time and that's the only reason she survived the attack."

Steve took a long sip from his beer. "the good news, if there should be any, is that she gave a detailed description of marcel to the cops the next morning."
"why not the same night?"
"she ran to Chin's house that night. It was the closest place she knew and chin's father was very close to her dad."
"chin told you that?"
"yeah but I made sure to be careful. He has no idea you were looking into this."
"good" he sighed "so what happened next? Why did they never get him?"
"oh they did but he escaped from prison a week later."
"what? How?"
"there must have been a dirty cop on the inside that helped him out. All we know is that he vanished a week later. But that's not where it gets weird. I looked into all their cases, everything and they never investigated Marcel or anyone that has anything that connects to him."
"so he was a hired killer."
"that is a possible answer yes but then who paid him to kill them?"

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