Love Dont Die

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And I say too much. Yeah that's true
So just listen to what I do.

Steve and Amelia entered the casino like a king and queen. It was hard not to notice Amelia's legs or Steve smoldering look. Amelia got eyes on their man just a few minutes after they went in and sat next to him on the bar. "a man like you drinking alone? Who broke your heart?"

The guy looked at her intrigued, he obviously thought he was getting laid but Amelia had different plans. She sat and had a drink with him for a while until she suggested the go up to one of the rooms. He followed her down the hallway, smiling like a fool until he saw Steve in the end of hall , waiting for them. He tried to move back but Amelia had grasped his arm so tight, he couldn't move and Steve was next to him in seconds, making sure he wouldn't go anywhere.
They took him to the basement and Steve made sure to look the door.

"who are you people?" he asked in a Russian accent.
"friends of a friend."
"I have many friends sweetheart, you're gonna have to be more specific."
"does the name Marcel ring any bells?" when the guy tried to notify his bodyguard with his phone Amelia held his hand, forcing him to look at her "you do that and your favorite car will go up in flames."

Steve showed him a little monitor he was holding in his hand and smiled "all it takes is a push of a button."

Amelia smiled as well and moved her hand gently against his "why don't you just sit and chat with us for a while?" she suggested, taking his phone away from him.
"I'd do what she said" Steve offered and helped him sit on one of the chairs on the basement.
"I know you were in contact with him this morning. Where is he now?"
"do you think we have a group chat telling each other where we are at all times? I'm his partner not his mum."

"you're really in no position to make jokes." Warned Steve.
The guy, who's name was Hector as it turned out started laughing. He was amused surely by the circumstances. I don't know where he is. Yes we met this morning-"
"business?" Steve laughed, shaking his head "this guy- let me rephrase the question for you. We are not here for small talk so unless you want us to have a completely different conversation while you're hanging from the roof, I suggest you give us all the details we are asking for."
Amelia noticed hector's expression changing. She was impressed by how quickly Steve changed the mood. The way he was looking at the criminal, like he actually going to throw him off the roof was very effective .

"I'm in debt. I'm addicted to gambling, and I have problems with my wife, I needed money before she could find out and marcel is an old friend of a friend. He said he could hook me up with something good if I give him one of my cars in return." He sighed "before you ask, my cars cant be reached. They have no number, no plates, no GPS."
"he's gone underground again." Mumbled Amelia
"he could be in Europe by now I'm afraid. I needed the money, he needed the car."
"are you sure there's no one of locating him?" tried Steve.


Amelia went straight to the bat after they got back from the Casino. She tried to drink down her disappointment. A 10 hour trip next to mcgarrett from Hawaii and she was empty handed. Marcel had disappeared ones again and she was back to zero. Steve joined her a few minutes later and ordered a drink for himself too.

"at least we got Hector. If marcel contacts him again, we'll know and we will move faster."
"Steve how many chances are there that marcel will actually contact Hector?"
Steve didn't speak and that was a good enough answer for Amelia. She swallowed down her drink and asked for another by the bartender

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