keep going.

6.4K 176 14

When you need me I'll be there
And the walls that keep us in the war
Will come down.

His back hit the mattress like he was a falling rock. He groaned in pain but got up again to look at his opponent. Amelia was shorter than Steve but she had skills, good enough skills to get a Seal down if she wanted to. Although they were wearing their protective gloves, her punches still hurt.

"getting tired commander?" she asked

He shook his body a little, taking deep breaths. He couldn't remember whose Idea it was for them to train together on this place but he was already regretting agreeing to it. He wasn't going to give up now, he still had a lot of fight to give "you're gonna wish I was tired" he threatened, getting into position for round three.

"uh I'm terrified now." She got into position smiling. He made the first step, stretching his hand, she grabbed it, twisting him around but before she could throw him in the ground again, he put his foot in front of hers, making her slip and hit the mattress instead.

"stay down Wesley." He warned jokingly.

"you're not getting rid of me that easily Mcgarrett." She stood up and without waiting even a second, moved her hand to punch him. He avoided the punch in the last second and tried to hit her in the stomach but she grabbed his hand, twisting it and pushing her away from him. "I think you're going easy on me Steve. I thought seals were supposed to be hard to beat."

"would you stop talking for a minute? You're distracting me" he tried to punch her face but she moved away quickly.

"is that what you're going with? I'm distracting you?" she got his face, he snatched her arm, he twisted it , turned her with her back on him, wrapping his arm around her neck, holding her tight against him. She groaned in annoyance. He leaned his head close to her ear.

"how's that for a seal?" he whispered, his breath hitting her neck.

"good-" she shrugged "not good enough." She kicked him in his 'honey spot', making him scream. Then she elbowed him in the stomach, turned around and pushed him on the mattress like it was the easiest thing she had ever done in her life. She kneeled over him, smiling "how's that for a girlfriend?"

"good" he shrugged "but not good enough" he stretched his leg and slid it under hers, making her lose her balance and fall with her back on the mattress like him.


"you ok?" he asked laughing.
"I think you just broke my back and it's not a metaphor for sex" she said in a tight voice, making him laugh even more.

"you know couples usually go to the cinema, go for a walk- a swim even-" Danny said coming in. Steve and Amelia looked at him from the floor, both of them sighing. "You choose to kick each other's ass and you think its normal ."

Steve got up and lend a hand to Amelia to her up as well "its romance Danny" answered Amelia. She got of her gloves, leaving them on the floor.

"no-no its stupidity- that's what it is."

"and what is that?" asked Steve, looking at the folder in Danny's hands.
"your friend Jenna Kaye left it for you."
Amelia snatched it from Danny's hands and opened it. Reading quickly through the pages "Jenna got this?"
"yeah she's good. We have a location too. This is his safe house."
"how about we pay him a visit then?" Steve smiled , looking hopefully at Amelia.

Hawaii Five-O: RadioactiveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon