All the way

9K 223 23

I know ya hold back, But just let it go
'Cause I just won't stand to watch you walk alone

It had been two days since the night Amelia left the taskforce. Steve thought that she would cool off eventually and he had too much pride to go and find her himself the next morning so he waited for her to come to him instead but she never did. He asked chin about her sometimes but he was careful not to show how sorry he was or that he cared as much as he did but time passed and Amelia didn't show up and Steve was starting to get worried and regret his actions.

One morning when he and kono were the only ones at the office he approached her like a scared little kid, knocking gently on her door.

"can I speak with you for a second?"
"sure, what's up boss?" Steve walked in rubbing his hands and sitting on the small couch in her office. Kono let out a laugh at how he acted "you ok boss?"
"yeah. Yeah I'm fine- I just." He sighed "have you spoken to Ams at all?"
"yeah I did."
"is she good?"
"she's good Steve." Steve felt kono's eyes on him like she was a hawk "but that's not the only thing you wanna ask is it?"

Steve lowered his head and stroked the back of his neck awkwardly "I tried calling her she wouldn't pick up and I thought maybe you can tell me where she is."
"I wouldn't go find her if I were you, boss."
"look I know I shouldn't have fogged into her past like that but I had good reasons."
"Steve I don't blame you for anything. You don't have to explain yourself but knowing her-she has a hard time trusting people and you kinda blew it off."

Steve didn't answer. He thought that Kono was probably right and it'd be best if he let his pride go fir a while. Kono must have felt sorry for him because after that she gave Amelia's gym address and told him that she'd probably be there at this time of the day. Steve thanked her and rushed out of the office, going straight to the address she gave him.

It was more of a training place fir cops than a gym. When Steve walked in his saw people fighting and training with each other, throwing each other on mattresses. This was a good way for cops to let out some steam and surely Amelia Wesley was there like Kono had practiced.

She was training with a much bigger guy than her. Steve stood in the shadows and watched her as she pulled the guy from his arm, twisted it and pinned him on the floor. A part of him wanted to get up there with him and try his chances. When she was done and she took her gloves off, Steve started clapping, he got her attention immediately and a very annoyed look after that.
"good job." He shouted but Amelia wasn't gonna let him go that easy. She walked passed him and headed to the backrooms, to get to her locker. Steve followed behind her like a dog but didn't say anything until she snapped and turned around to face him.

"what do you want Steve?"
"I wanna speak with you."
"ok great you've spoken to me. Now go."

Steve sat down on the bench next to her locker and watched her while she wiped her sweat with her towel. Amelia saw him sitting down and rolled her eyes. "you're unbearable."

"I know you're mad I went behind your back but I needed to look on an idea I had before I talked with you. I wasn't trying to be bossy, it wasn't about you, it was about my parents."

Amelia looked at him with her arms crossed "I don't much care about your reasons commander."

"well you should ok? I looked into your parents' case because it linked with my mother's case. I remembered your father on my mother's funeral fighting with my dad, a few months before he died and when Danny found the picture you saw with Wo Fat and Marcel, I knew that there was more to the story."

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