hell or high water?

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Was it hell or high water
That broke our hearts.


"Now tell me, did you ever think that you and me would be sitting here together drinking beers?" Laughed Amelia.
Steve shrugged in response "I've seen miracles happen before."
"Ah! You always have a sarcastic comment on your tongue don't you?"
"I'm almost as good at that as you are."
"you need a little more practice."
"then I guess it's good you're staying in Hawaii?"

Amelia smiled, looking at him closely but didn't say anything in return. Instead she drank her beer while he stared at her.

"you're gonna tell me why you chose to stay?"
"isn't it obvious commander? I'm in love with you." She started laughing before she even finished the sentence and so did Steve. Amelia noticed the dorky smile on his face.
"yes of course I knew that already" he said ironically "but other than that, why are you staying?"
"he got to me first, Steve. Now don't get me wrong this is not me backing down or giving up in getting him. I just need a better strategy. The governor wants to send me to Europe, London. That would be too far away so I rather stay here."

"ok but why didn't you just get on an airplane all these years before and go to New York? What was stopping you?"
"I was researching. The minute I got out of high school I've been trying to track down marcel. I didn't know where he was until last year-" she bit her lip "now he's gone again and I don't know where he is but I know one thing for sure. He will come back."
"so you'll wait fir him to come to you instead?" he nodded "that's good. Do you think you have the patience?"
"I think I'll occupy myself with annoying you for the time being."

Steve smirked and shot her one of those captivating looks. "not to be a devil's advocate but I think she's only trying to look out for you."
"Yeah She says I've been chasing ghosts for far too long. It's time for me to stop„
"Will you?„
She remembered Chin asking her the exact same question and how she'd always reply with a simple no. "I don't believe that it's us that haunt the ghosts, it's the ghosts that are haunting us instead" she thought about it before going on "and I believe they will keep haunting us until we kill them or until we die, it's our choice."
"sure its that or you're just far too stubborn to stop."
Amelia raised her beer smiling "I think it's both."

Steve raised his bottle too, before taking a long sip. Amelia was surprised at how quickly he finished his beers. The whole night she could feel him watching her like he wanted to say something more, like he was hiding something or many things but unfortunately for her she still didn't have the talent of reading minds. He told her stories about Danny and how he got shot on his first day to work. He told her about how weird it felt to be back in Hawaii and how he wished he was here under different circumstances. She heard him talk about the times he'd use his more 'extreme' ways of treating suspects and how his ways made Danny go mad. For the first time since she met him, she thought that maybe he's not as annoying as he looks. Maybe he's just troubled like her.

She noticed how he avoided talking about his time in the navy and whenever the conversation seemed to go towards his father or his missions he would subtly change the subject. She didn't blame tho because she did the same when her parents' case was brought up. And that's his the night kept going with both of them, avoiding subjects and building walls between them because the truth was she didn't trust him all that much yet, no matter how charming he was.

A few hours later they decided to leave. Amelia got to her car first and he closed her door fir her. She got the window down and he leaned in, balancing himself on the door. "do me a favor and don't tell Danny about this."
Amelia laughed "I'm sure he'll get really jealous if I do."
"you have no idea" he bit his lip "the thing is he will make it a big deal and I'll have to deal with him whining the whole day tomorrow. I really don't want to deal with it."
"I get it. He'll think we're dating behind his back and he'll go crazy." She shrugged
"you have no idea how annoying he can get."
"sounds like you two belong together."
"funny I was going to say the same thing about you"
Amelia pointed at him proudly "see? You're getting so much better at the sarcastic thing."

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