walking blind.

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Don't give me your word,
Give me something to hold on to.

Amelia walked down the familiar hallway with her head held high. She waved at the bodyguards and the employees that knew her all too well after all these years and headed to the governor's study. She opened the door expecting to see Patty Jameson, sitting in her usual position but instead she saw Laura Hills, the governor 's right hand looking through some stuff in the drawers. Laura looked up immediately when she heard Amelia and backed away from the governor's desk, shutting it and locking it. Amelia noticed how nervous she looked and narrowed her eyes "Laura?"

"Ms. Wesley how nice to see you." She said, her voice breaking a little. Amelia walked closer.
"The governor is still at the meeting?"

"yeah she sent me to pick some papers for her but she'll be with you shortly." She lied. Amelia knew she was lying, if she didn't she would be a horrible detective. Laura was obviously looking for something and she didn't expect to get caught but whatever it was she wouldn't admit it now so Amelia let it go.

"I'll wait for her here if that's ok."
"yes of course. I have to go."
"please don't let me keep you waiting." She smiled. When Laura was out of the door, she approached the governor's desk and tried to open the drawers Laura was looking in earlier but they were locked. No matter how had she puked she couldn't open them and while she was trying Patty came in, catching her in action. Amelia let go of the drawers and cleared her throat.

"Amelia? Are you looking for something?"
"oh no I was just admiring the desk... it's an old piece. Very pretty." She lied just like Laura had and walked around the desk to sit on the chair. The governor sat on her large chair on the other side, smiling.
"your mother loved this desk too. It was my father's. I had it in my old house as well. It's sad your mum never got to see this office."
"well- I'm sure she looks down at us, she probably knows you're the governor now."

"God I cant believe it's been so long since their death. It feels like yesterday." She paused "are you any closer getting to Marcel?"
"yes we've had so leads but we haven't act on anything yet. We want to be careful this time around. In the meantime I wanted to ask a few questions. Did my parents ever met Mcgarrett's parents?"
"I would expect they did. John mcgarrett was very popular in the HPD, just like your parents. They must have met one way or another. Why?"
"Simply curiosity. Did they ever mention Yakuza to you?"

Patty became uncomfortable very quickly after the question, Amelia kept trying to look her in the eyes but she was always looking away, avoiding any connection. "your dad looked into many cases Amelia, I couldn't possibly remember all of them-"

"I'm not asking for all of them governor- I'm just asking for one. Yakuza has been around for centuries, one of the cruelest crime organizations. You can't remember if my parents ever looked into it?"

"even if they did Amelia, you shouldn't."
Amelia scoffed "why don't you just answer the question for ones?" she demanded, crossing her arms. She wasn't leaving without an honest answer. "no spinning around it. Just give me an answer, yes or no?"
"yes or no?" she repeated louder.

"yes. probably they did. Like you said Yakuza has been around for the centuries, every cop on the island has somehow looked into it, I presume your parents were no exception."

Amelia stood up, nodding her head. "see that wasn't so hard was it?"

"Amelia whatever you're thinking of doing-"
"don't worry I won't bore you with the details." She smiled and turned around to leave.
"Amelia they are dangerous people"
"I'm sure you'd know Patty."

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