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Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you, dear

Jenna Kaye was already at the headquarters when the rest of the team arrived. When she saw them she didn't really know what to say or how to act, they looked like they didn't wanna discuss their emotions yet and she respected that. Leaving them with a simple comforting smile before moving on to the pressing matter- the officer Steve ordered to had left her the bomb fragments earlier and she had already started examining them.

"do you have anything?" asked Steve, approaching her. She nodded confidently.

"I have a potential trace. These..." she pointed at the fragments "are projectiles from a claymore mine. I've seen this kind of improvised device before. Wo fat used the same device to kill my husband and your mother." Steve nodded in understanding, he wasn't surprised "The improvised explosive device is one of Wo Fat's preferred ways of execution, especially when he's trying to send a message."

"Ok I have a question- where did he get it from?" jumped in Danny.
"the military." Suggested Steve
"Hold on. Somebody breaks into a military base and steals a crate full of mines, don't you think we would've heard about it?"
"No. If there was a theft of military explosives, the police would be the last people the military would call. They'd want to keep the investigation in-house. Kaye, double-check with all the bases on the lsland, see if any claymores have gone missing."
"sure-" but Kaye didn't get to finish her thought. There was another explosion just outside of the Lolani Palace. The entire team ducked down in the sound of it while the windows shattered in little pieces.

"GOD!" yelled Danny "If I have to go through another explosion for the next 24 hours I'm quitting!"
"STOP WHINING!" shouted Steve back at him.

Chin ran outside with the rest following his pace. The governor was outside, her bodyguards surrounding her. A black car in front of her was on fire and she kept yelling Laura's name. Steve watched the car burn and all he could think about was Amelia.

Laura Hills was dead and obviously it had something to do with whatever she talked about with Amelia the night before the car accident.

When the fire was put out, Jenna examined the car. Chin waited for her to finish.
"chin" she called for him and he went closer to her to hear what she had to say. She pointed at the bomb fragments, they were the same as the ones found at the bottom of the ocean.

"it was him"

"he's clearly tidying up loose ends. Look at this- Once the ignition engages, approximately 700 steel balls, about an eighth of an inch in diameter, shoot out at around 4,000 feet per second through the interior of the vehicle-- a directional blast aimed square at the face of the driver. It's a very personal, targeted attack."

"Why Laura Hills? He kills Amelia and now Laura- why not Steve or me?"
"I don't know but our best chance to tracking wo fat is through this explosive. I'll look up on it"
"good Steve and Danny are already in Laura's house, they must find something. I'll go and check her office with Kono. Call us when you get a hit."


When Steve and Danny reached the house, the door was open and the place was a mess.

"ok, This was definitely not a robbery. they didn't take the TV, didn't take the laptop. They were looking for something. It must have happened a few hours before the explosion" said Danny, looking around.

Steve walked over to Laura's desk, the first drawers were yanked out and dumped on the floor but the last one was undisturbed which meant they must have found what they were looking for when they got here. Danny reached for his phone to call HPD and while he spoke to them, Steve noticed a pile of yellow envelopes and black pens on the floor. He thought about the possibility that Laura was the one sending him the envelopes. What if that's what Amelia had gone to talk to her about. This could very easily be what got them both killed.

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