Keep My Heart

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 Hey, guys. This is just the beginning of a story, maybe I'll write it. Comment! Comment! Comment! If you like it, I'll continue. :)


Summer of 1810

The land felt so wonderful after having been at sea for a month.

And Olivia Cameron rejoiced at seeing America- she had never seen anything more wonderful in her life. Well, other than Rashleigh.

She smiled girlishly at herself, looking about, excited to meet him- oh, wherever was he? Rashleigh had said he would meet her the same hour she arrived- and it had nearly been an hour. Still, there was no sight of his older brother. True, she had never met him before- but Rashleigh said he was nice and that he would take care of her until Rashleigh could.

She hoped he would like her. After all, she was going to be his sister, wasn't she?

Her handmaid stood rigidly behind her, tired from the journey. The poor girl had been ill all month, suffering from terrible bouts of nausea from the waves tossing them back and forth

"When do you think he will arrive, Constance?" she asked giddily, and grinned brightly at a lady who strolled by in a splendid yellow dress.

"I don't know, Miss Olivia."

"Oh, if he would enjoy my company...wouldn't Rashleigh be so absolutely thrilled?"

"I suppose he would," the young lady replied firmly but softly.

"I do hope he is as kind as Rashleigh said. It would be dreadful if he was mean." She fell into a slightly perplexed silence. "Do you think he will mind that I was..." Her melodic voice dropped to a whisper. "Do you think he will mind that I was poor?"

"I don't think so. Mr. Hawke told you he was a most amiable man."

Olivia looked down at her dress, a flowing little day gown made of light blue muslin. She wore a lacey shawl across her shoulders, her hair covered with a sweet little blue hat, adorned with little yellow flowers and a sheer blue ribbon under her chin. Standing erectly, and her gloved hands folded primly, Olivia Cameron made a pretty picture. Etched across her face was nervous excitement, glimmering softly in her eyes.

The two were stationary in the crowd, waiting beside the maid's two small bags and Olivia's three large trunks and one small bag.

When he came, he was tall. She saw him above all others in the crowd, and thought, "My goodness, to be as tall as that!" He stood at least six inches above everyone there--and he turned out to be the one she had been waiting for. Other than his height, Olivia was quite taken by his serious features--something she assumed Rashleigh had inherited, too. They both seemed to brood, and she had not known this man for even a minute!

He looked about, wearing nice but practical clothes, and searching.

The moment he looked her way, she smiled brightly at him, and brought her hand up in a polite wave. His expression, however, did not change.

That sweet little flame in her heart, that flame of hope, wavered, but she smiled as prettily as she could, and hoped he was the correct person.

"Miss Cameron, I presume?" he asked, his voice harsh.

"Yes, and you are Rashleigh's brother, aren't you?"

"Adam Hawke, Miss Cameron," he said.

She smiled. "I am Olivia, and this is...this is Constance, my handmaid."

He bowed to the girl at Olivia's shoulder. "Pleased to meet you, Miss."

Trying to break the ice, and wanting him to like her so very much, Olivia said, "Your brother never told me how nice you were. But you're a perfect gentleman!"

Keep My Heart- PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now