chapter 3

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I turned around an saw James in the doorway, an stood up slowly cuasing a groan from the bed, looked at Jess "I'll be right back," I said calmly and walked out of her room grabbing and dragging James with me as i left. "what did you do?" I asked. he luaghed "she told me to stop or i would kill her it made me mad and i pushed harder on her ribs until i think like 5 of them broke, she's really obedient though becuase besides telling me what to do she didn't fight me." i slapped him hard, then said "That's because her last master was wendall peirce, and she has a lot of pre-existing injuries and adding to that shes only 13," i said quietly to avoid her hearing me. "dude chill I didn't know, if I had I would've been a bit nicer, ok a lot nicer" he said I relaxed "I'm sorry James I'm just so worried she'll run away, who know what could happen to her then, she's so young," I said explianing my anger to him. then I turned and walked back to Jess's room, "hey Jess I'm back," I whispered as I walked in seeing her her rocking covering her ears. Her head turned to look at me "ok, I was just thinking about something" she said.

jess's pov;

its true I was thinking about something, my last master. "what were you thinking about?" he asked. "m-my last master, the rage before he broke my ribs and sent me back to the pet shop," I said. "if you don't mind how and why did he-?" he tried to ask I cut him off "because at a dinner party with his friends I had been bitten so many times and I was so drained I forgot then broke a rule; never yelp, cry or make any noise when bitten," I said then I started my story " I was 12 when he bought me already no spirit left in me but I had never been bitten, we got in the car and he said 'you have some rules to follow'."

Flashback in third person

Jess nodded knowing it was best not to speak, "rule one; you will address me as master, rule two; you will not speak without permission, rule three: if you are given permission to speak you only answer what is asked of you no questions, rule four; no crying yelping or noise when you are bitten, understood? you may speak." Wendell said, Jess said "yes, master." "come pet" he said she slid over "Have you ever been bitten, you may speak when spoken to in this car" he said "no master," she said. "then this will hurt quite a bit" he said smiling sadistically. he grabbed her hair and used it to pull her head to the side and bite down on her neck. Jess bit her lip to avoid making noise, he pulled his fangs out and said "I'm impressed no noise even those who know what it feels like scream the first time, you will not be punished tonight," he said and with that they pulled up to the house. he led her up to her room and left.

1 year 1 month later

Jess was called down to the kitchen, "probably dinner time" she thought shuddering. "pet I'm hungry he called to her she moved quicker and reached the kitchen and stood in front of him. he moved her hair out of his way and bit down on her neck. She was weak considering he had no more blood pets and he had just drained his last one two days ago. she began to pass out and he dropped her barely conscious body to the floor she hit her head and whimpered. "what was that pet?" he asked walking over to her, the toe of his boot connected with her stomach not hard but it would leave a bruise. "follow me now" he said, Jess stood up wobbling and followed him. They reached the punishment room which jess had never been in because she was constantly obedient. he said "you have   been good but you disobeyed a rule" he said not quietly hurting her ears again as he spoke. she walked into the room after him following his steps, "go sit in that chair" he said. as she walked by he tripped her breaking her ankle, she bit her lip and made a small noise "i think we're done here" he said and left. "oh yes pet, I am having company later so please do make yourself presentable." he said swinging around and sticking his head in the doorway. he left again she stood up and walked, slowly, to her "room." she showered and put on a fancy dress with her hair in a bun. she walked down and stood where she was supposed to on occasions such as this one. Then as it got later she was getting drowsy from being bitten so many times, one of his friends walked up to her and bit her, she waited for a long time then with a small "stop" she passed out. she woke up in the pet shop with 4 broken ribs.

end flash back

emmet's pov

she was on the verge of tears hen she finished her story, then after a moment she sobbed hurting her ribs I could tell because she grasped her side as she cried. "Are you ok?" I whispered, she slowly stopped crying, "yes, master" she whispered. "can I fix your ribs?" I asked she nodded, I lifted her off the bed then put her ribs back into place by using my telekinesis powers to line everything up, I also put her to sleep using one of my powers. I finished and went to get casting materials, I came back and James was in the room looking at her from a few feet away, I growled and he put his hands up in defense and then left. I pulled her shirt up so I could reach the bottom ribs that had the worst breaks. then I took my spell off her "can I lift up your shirt to rap your top ribs?" I asked, she nodded while looking down "are you sure you can say no and I'll get one of the girls to do it" I said. we had humans who helped with nursing James's pets when he gets mad. "that sounds better" she whispered still looking down at the ground, "it's ok to look at me" I said using my hand to gently push her head to face me. she looked at me and for the first time ever I felt actually sad for a human.

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