chapter 17

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ok so I finally decided on a font for each of their thoughts  and this applies for  the rest of the book

italics=jess thoughts

bold=James thoughts (If he's in another characters head it's bold and underlined)

underlined=Emmet thoughts

Jess was lying in her bed,sleeping as James and Emmet talked, " Damn he held a vendetta, so far I've found whip marks, broken arm, leg, cracked skull, and many, many bruises" Emmet said. "Em I'm starving, I know I just ate but I am starving," James whined not really listening to Emmet talking, "James no, not now," Emmet warned. "James we should go get some sleep, come on," Emmet finished. James and Emmet left Jess's room and went to their own rooms, I should get a second pet, hey Em, what's up James,we should get a second pet, ummm well I mean if you want to, I  think it would be better for jess so we aren't talking turns drinking from her. that's actually a good idea, I know. James left Emmet's head and went to sleep as did Emmet. "I-I d-didn't, I-I no no no," Jess yelled James ran in and saw her tossing in her sleep screaming, "Jess, Jess, JESS WAKE UP," James yelled shaking her as she tossed wildly. "JESS, WAKE UP," he yelled, she shot up and turned to face him, "I-I-I'm s-sorry James," she whispered shaking like a leaf, causing much pain to erupt from her arm, leg, stomach, ribs and neck. she whimpered laying back down carefully, "Jess are you alright?" James asked, I could heal her, that's a bad idea, or is it? "I'm fine," she whispered sleepily closing her eyes.

"Morning Em," James said to a wide-awake Emmet walking into the kitchen, "I slept like a baby, nothing could have woken me up last night," Emmet chirped happily. "Oh not even Jess screaming at the top of her lungs then me yelling at her to wake up?" James accused, smirking at Emmet's reaction. " I  I uhh no I uhh didn't hear that," Emmet stumbled over his words awkwardly. "E-Emmet, J-James" Jess's gentle voice carried down the stairs, James and Emmet both shot up and ran up stairs to Jess's room. "Do you need help getting up Jess?" Emmet asked gently, she nodded he sighed and walked over to her, "James can you go grab a wheel chair for her," James left to grab a wheelchair, Emmet wrapped jess's arm and leg with Ace bandages setting the bones back in place as he did. James came back but he didn't have a wheelchair, "Emmet, I want to try something, ok? but I need you out of the room so I can do it," James asked. Emmet looked surprised but did as he was told and left. James bit his arm and put it to Jess's mouth "drink now" he commanded Jess followed her orders. Jess's bones snapped back into place and the bone healed, James's wound healed as well. "Jess listen very closely to me, Jameson is trying to gain control as he did just now, find Emmet now and don't come back until he says it's safe please" James begged squatting at her level, she looked at him "go Jess," he said, she turned and ran to find Emmet. "Emmet," she called, "Jess I'm int he kitchen," he called back she ran down. "Jameson is gaining control over James," she said. "Dammit James," he muttered, "go to Angels room and go in stay there until I come get you," Emmet finished. Jess ran up and ran into Angels room after knocking, "Hey Jessy what's-"
 she started, "Jess are you ok?" Jess shook her head "Jameson is out and in control, we need to stay here until Emmet comes to get us," she explained. Angel looked at Jess with fear in her eyes, "I-is he in full control?" she whispered, "no I don't think so it's ok angel Emmet was already with him when I got here," Jess's voice shook as she spoke.

Emmet ran into Jess's room and found James on the ground, holding his hands over his head, "Dammit James, fight dammit," Emmet muttered. James looked up, " I have control, for now I am controlling him for the time being," James said. "What trigger did you hit?" Emmet asked, "emotional I think, I think my emotions for Jess were hit when I saw how helpless she was," James said. "Dude you good, yet your eyes are they're normal color and it looks like your fangs are back in," Emmet said, "yeah I think i'm good want to go get Jess and tell angel she can leave her room," James said. Emmet walked into Angels room, "Jess, Angel, we're good James is in control again," Emmet stated gently.

"Jess" Emmet said turning to face her, "come with me please." Emmet walked out of the room Jess following behind. They walked down to the kitchen where James was waiting in the kitchen. Emmet heard Jess's heart beat speed up, "Jess you're ok, he's in control," Emmet whispered, "ready to go James?" Emmet asked louder. "yeah let's go," James said, the three of them walked out the door. Jess got in the backseat as James got in the drivers seat and Emmet the passengers seat. they drove towards a building Jess recognized as the pet shop, "y-you're sending me b-back?" Jess whispered, "no, we wanted to get another pet, so we're not constantly asking you and so you could have another friend when angel is busy," James said happily. Jess smiled, "really?" she asked her voice still hushed, "yes we wouldn't lie to you," Emmet said looking back at Jess. Jess smiled as they pulled into the parking lot. Emmet and Jess got out of the car, "I'll be in soon," james said as Jess and Emmet walked inside. "Emmet, what are you doing back so soon," Lucius exclaimed his eyes darting from Jess to Emmet. "No Lucius I'm not sending her back I would never," Emmet said. "I was actually coming in here to adopt another," Lucius looked surprised, but his nonchalant attitude and face returned. 

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