chapter 9

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Emmet's pov

"she's a kid James and quite honestly I don't think she can handle much more from either of us, she almost had a panic attack today when I walked into her room to make sure she was alive," I said. "What do we do we can't send her anywhere vampires are taking over the human world, she's not safe," he said quite bluntly. I sighed James was right "the little rascal does have a brain," I tried to lighten the mood with a joke only receiving a small laugh from James.  "so she has to stay here but what do we do when our "friends" come over" I said using air quotes with my fingers, "we can't lock her up but I doubt she can be out or in her room," I finished. "she can stay out but on a leash to ensure her safety," he said in a duh tone. "And him " I said, "easy, fake a few small injuries with her consent and pretend she is treated as a pet or a slave" he said, "speaking of which jess is in the middle of punishment, I need to go" he concluded leaving the room and walking up the stairs. Great, a ball in a few days and he remembers she's being punished now, not a good time James. "oh and make pancakes for Angel please" James said from the op of the stairs, I turned around and mixed up some batter.

Jess's pov

someone knocked lightly on my door while  I was laying on my bed, "come in" I said and James walked in as I sat up. I pushed back against the wall parallel to my bed, "it's ok Jess it's me, its alright I won't hurt you" James said as he walked closer to me I pushed further into the wall. "Jess you're ok, you're safe with me, I won't hurt you" he said again, I gave up and stopped trying to go through the wall I let him sit next to me.I tensed as he sat down but I still allowed it, "so you know you are still in trouble right?" he asked I nodded, "I'm going to let you off early due to recent events I'd rather not mention right now" he finished. I sighed then whispered "thank you master," he looked at me, "James is  fine Jess you don't have to call me master nor do you have to call Emmet master" he said. I smiled " thank you James," I said he smiled, "you are very welcome jess," he said. I relaxed a small amount, James looked at me  "can you do me another favor?" he asked, "yes" I whispered quietly. "can you help Angel get ready for dinner, she doesn't  often leave her room, actually before a few hours ago she had never left her room before, so could you just show her around help her get dressed?" he asked. I was beyond elated to spend a day with angel, "i would be happy to" I said looking up at him for the first time today. "good i'll send her in in about 20 minutes sound good?" he asked I nodded and he left. I got up, showered quickly and dried my hair. I walked into my closet and put  on some jeans and a tee-shirt.  I had five minutes left over so I sat in my bed thinking about my life and how it's changed in just a few weeks.

There was a light knock on the door and James walked in followed by a very happy Angel. "Jessy, Jessy guess what, daddy says I can hang out with you today for a few hours until dinner," she said it hurt my ears but not badly so I didn't show it. James laughed quietly, "ok I'm gonna go, be in the dining room at 6:00 please," James laughed and then tried to cover it by acting scary and said "don't be late," Angel and James both burst out laughing and even I was giggling a little. James's laughter slowed and he took a deep breath in "ok i'll see you in  a couple hours," he said shaking his head in amusement as he left closing the door. "so what do you want to do today?" angel asked, "I don't know but we have to find you a dress for tonight, but other than that we should have two hours or so," I said reading the clock, 11:30  ok so dress finding and both of us actually getting ready should take an hour or so yeah like three-ish hours. "so do you want to play?" I asked, "yeah," she said. we played some card games and board games, then we played with dolls.

when we finished I said "ok so what's your favorite color?" I asked knowing in my closet I had every length and color of dress imaginable. "uhh...I love purple high-low dresses but like light lavender not dark," she said happily, I walked into my closet and found a lavender high low dress with lace three-quarter length sleeves and a lace back. I took it down and brought it out for her to try, luckily I'm very small for a thirteen year old so the dress fit her almost perfectly I took out a pair of white wedges that had a strap around the ankle but where open toed. she put then on and they fit perfectly which made sense because they were small on me. "ok stop helping me and get yourself dressed," she laughed as I shifted her dress and adjust small details, I smiled and walked into my closet her following close behind, I walked over to a midnight blue dress with a small corset like part and a long flowing bottom "this?" I asked. "no," Angel said to me, I pulled out a medium blue dress with three-quarter length sleeves and open shoulders and a high low bottom. "ok what about this?" I asked angel, "oh my gosh yes Jessy YES YES YES, that dress was made for you" she said loudly, "oh sorry" she said when she saw me flinch but I waved it off as a shiver. I changed into the dress and slid on some white high heels, I did her hair straightening it and pinning a part of it up, then I did my own curling it and pinning some of it up it was 5:57 and we both decided it was time to walk to the dining room so we did. when we arrived at the dining room we walked in and saw Emmet and James waiting for us on one end of the table. "come sit girls," James said winking at us me and Angel smiled ad sat down, me on Emmet's right and Angel on James's left.

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