chapter 11

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hey guys, theres a time skip of a few days its the day of the ball as this chapter starts and any thing in italics is thoughts or inside her head from Jess thank you for reading this book and following me this far.

jess's pov

"jess, time to get up I need you to watch Angel for a bit and then get ready for the ball tonight," James said, I opened my eyes to see him in the doorway of my room, "good morning James," I whispered in my groggy morning voice. "Jess, please get up I need you to watch Angel, please" he said again gently but a bit more firmly than the first time. I got up slowly and walked over to my closet grabbing jeans and a tee-shirt before walking to the bathroom to change. when I came out James was in my room with Angel both of them on my bed. "Jessy, " she drew out the "y" sound she ran up to me and hugged me , it had been a few days since we had seen each other because her and James went away for a few days. "are you two ok if I go now," James asked, Angel detached herself from my waist, turned and said "yes daddy, I'll see you later," Angel said. "ok I'll be back in about three or four hours, love you Angel and thank you Jess" James said leaving the room.

"so what do you want to do today?" I ask Angel, "Can I- Can I ask you some questions?" she said. "yeah sure, what about?" I asked, "you" she said shyly.I smiled "of course Angel but I cant promise answers, there are some things I cant tell you ok?" I said regarding James's rules. "ok, well where were you born?" she asked, "in a hospital outside of what used to be a place called Boston," I lied I had been born in a crappy pet shop in current new York after 1 year with my mother she was bought and I was also bought but not with her my first master wasn't really a master more of a fill in mom, she died when I turned five, where I was brought to a nice pet shop by her husband who was really nice, then after a month or so I was sold to my first master. "ok so how did you get to a pet shop?" she asked, "I-I can't tell you that," I said looking down. "Ok , how did you get hurt cause I know you didn't fall," she said. I looked at her then said "my last owner, I can't tell you more than that," she looked angry. "why would they do that?" she asked, "Angel, I can't tell you that honey," I said. "alright, how did the pet shop treat you?" she asked, I smiled "really well the owner was nice, like really nice," I said she nodded. after a few moments of a comfortable silence, I asked "is that all," she said "yes, can we go play now" she said happier now. "sure," I said, then we played with her toys for the next 3 and a half hours.

James came into the room and Angel looked up and said "five more minutes please daddy?" she begged. "no hon it's time to go Jess has to get ready, now go back to your room sugar," He said. she pouted and stood up "bye Jess I'll try and talk to you tomorrow," she said, "bye Angel" I said as she left. "try to be down stairs in an hour wearing a navy blue dress, please" James said. why a blue dress"ok" I said out loud. "the blue dress means you belong to a lord and that all vampires that are lords or lower need to ask Emmet before so much as Talking to you," he explained. "thanks" I said and he left, I walked into my closet and picked out my favorite navy blue dress in my closet, then I walked into the bathroom to shower. I got in and washed my hair, and body. I decided I should shave considering I hadn't since the pet shop and i was wearing a short dress without tights. I got out of the shower and dried my hair then curled it letting it fall around my lower waist. I pulled on my dress and zipped up the back pulling the straps up to their place on my shoulders just as James knocked on the door, "come in," i said, he walked in and said "hey are you almost ready some of our guests are a bit early and Emmet and I want you downstairs so we know where you are," he said. "I-I need to put on shoes quickly," i whispered his nervous tone making me scared, i walked to my bed and put on the white six inch heels. "Jess there's no reason to be nervous, just be careful and make sure you can see me or Emmet can see you," he said as we walked down the stairs and to the ball room, "ok, master" i whispered knowing we were in earshot of other vampires. good job keep acting like that not every vampire here believes pets should be treated with respect , and yes i can talk to you through your thoughts James's voice said in my head. cool, that's really awesome and thanks for the heads up we walked over to where Emmet was talking to a group of other vampires. there were about 50 vampires there, but only about 5 pets including myself. All the other pets were wearing collars at least and 3 of them wore leashes attached to them, so just me and one other older girl weren't wearing leashes. i stood next to James for a bit before I started listening to the conversation going on. "so why do you keep your pet off leash she could run whenever she wanted to," a vampire said, he happened to be holding a leashed pet while he spoke. gosh do you hear this guy, so annoying he always brings up pets every time he's here, James's voice came through again. I refocused on the conversation again, "we don't worry about her running she's very obedient, and doesn't talk much however feel free to talk to her," Emmet said. I tensed as he said that but James reassured me its ok he's harmless, but if you get uncomfortable just think about how uncomfortable you are I'll help you out of the situation, and i'll be right here. I felt better and relaxed again "so pet, how old are you?" the vampire said looking at me, "thirteen, sir" I whispered feeling afraid but still pretty safe. "young aren't you, how many masters have you had?" he asked again, "seven, sir" I whispered. "well, that's a lot for your age, how'd you end up with her?" he asked looking at Emmet again. thank heaven the focus is off me, i paid attention the conversation again, "actually Lucias gave her to me, she has hearing problems and had a few broken ribs, guess he felt bad for her," Emmet said. the other vampire nodded "well i have to go greet my guests with my friend and housemate James so if you will excuse us we will be around," Emmet said, "good day my friend," the other guy said. with that me James and Emmet walked to a new spot, then I saw them.

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