chapter 12

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hello guys, so in this chapter anything in her head is in italics and this goes for all characters, also if James is in her head it is in bold and italics so yeah thanks for reading.

italics=character whos pov the part is in's thoughts

italics and bold= James's voice inside another characters head (doesn't apply for his own pov)


no no no please, anyone but them don't crap they're coming over, jess chill nothing bad will happen we won't let it ok? ok. "hello Emmet, nice to see you again" a vampire said he was surrounded by others but I knew a few of them himself not included, Kestra Anne, Mick Lyvel, and Wendell Peirce. "oh my is that Jess?" Kestra said, I blushed and looked at the ground she had been nice but sent me back because I hadn't broken yet and she didn't want to keep chasing me every time I ran away , sounds nice enough anyone I should be warned about before they all say they know you? Umm , Mick, and Wendell, ok. "lord Emmet may I speak with her it's been a while," Kestra said "sure go ahead" he said casually I smiled at him he winked back. "oh my gosh, you are so beautiful, I'm sorry you couldn't stay with me" she said and hugged me I hugged her back, "child did someone finally break you?" she asked. "yes ma'am" I said, "oh that must have been hard," she said as an after thought. "no not at all actually took about 6 months," mick said Kestra turned and glared at him and left the group. "lord Emmet found the little piece of work named Jess I see," Mick said, I looked up and he bared his fangs at me, I whimpered and stepped back a bit. "please don't scare her like that I already can barely get her to speak, I don't need her breaking down right here," Emmet said mostly lying. Mick gave me a side glance "the "not talking" was not my doing, was it young one?" he said facing me. "n-no, s-sir" I said, " I used to love her stutter when she didn't want to talk," he said, Emmet looked over at me then James who nodded, "that's kind of sick," Emmet said. "what, you never just growled at just her to hear her stutter?" Mick said, "no, dude that's twisted, I mean-" Emmet was cut off by some else i knew "well i never thought I'd hear the ruthless Emmet and James telling another Vampire he's sick because he scared a human pet," he said, "prince Wendell, how nice to see you," Emmet said much less confidently now. "Jessabelle, never thought we'd meet again, you may speak to me child if that jaw of your works" he said smirking at me. "h-hello s-sir," I whispered.

"man she's terrified of you" Emmet said, "yeah I know I tend to use it to my advantage," he said. James I'm scared he has more power than Emmet he could drain me right here, James help. jess calm down you're ok he wouldn't there are about 200 people here and 75 humans he would be ruined if he drained a lords pet, relax you're going to be fine. and why did he call you Jessabelle? its my full name, everyone thinks its Jessica but he knew it wasn't and he made me tell him. "jess, how have your ribs healed, I mean your Jaw healed so fast thanks to that shop owner," Wendell said "g-good, s-s-sir" I said looking at the ground. "human you will look at me when I'm talking to you," he said grabbing my wrist it snapped under the pressure he applied, but I knew better than to make any noise I bit my lip and said "y-yes s-s-sir," I whimpered he let go of my wrist. "sorry prince Wendell but I am hungry could I pull my pet away for a while I'll be back in a few minutes," James said I began to shake knowing he could be for real. "well I don't think you're lying considering the fact she's shaking so hard, so I'll see you later," Wendell said smiling I shook harder and started crying silently as James grabbed my good wrist tightly. James what are you doing? jess please calm down, ok. "I'm sorry I forgot to eat while I was out with angel and then again today," James said when we reached my room. "n-no please not now, p-p-please," I begged him. "jess please relax" he said taking a step towards me as I matched it with a step back, "p-please I-I c-can't" I whispered as i walked back away from him and into a wall, he walked toward me, I cried, he stood only a few inches in front of me, "Jess please you're just making this harder," he said.

James's pov

"please calm down," I say holding her arms against the wall , while she cried. I bit her neck as gently as I could possibly bite her, her arms loosened under my grip I stopped and licked my bite clean. she cried softly and I carried her bridal style over to her bed and put her on it she continued to cry and I walked back down stairs. James, what were you thinking biting her she's already about to loose it, I read Emmet thinking. "James you're back that pathetic pet of yours pass out?" Wendell said, "yeah after she begged me to stop, stupid thing," I said. I looked at Emmet for help he stepped in saying, "well prince Wendell it was nice seeing you, have a nice time at our ball we must say hello to our other guests, and James must go wake up the pet," Emmet finished as we left. I walked upstairs to try and find jess to apologize. I walked into her room and saw her sleeping on her bed, she looked like an angel. I walked over to her bed and contemplated letting her sleep, "please I-I didn't mean to please I just I-I w-won't" jess said thrashing wildly in her bed, "Jess, Jess wake up" I said she jolted awake and quickly backed away looking down and away from me

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